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Unconfirmed Bug Ardent storyline: Santiago Port fort will attack you regardless of what flag you are flying


Master Mariner
I am playing full bad ass pirate mode with Charles (rating with all nations are negative except pirates). At my very first stop at Santiago on Cuba (after escaping from Havana in that small boat), I was attacked by the fort. However I was able to dock and go into the town and do the quests. Ever since then, whenever I showed up near the fort with any flags (friendly to Spain or not), I get attacked. And interestingly, I can still dock and go to world map view without problem. I changed several ships and flew Spanish color and still get fired upon. This ONLY happens in Santiago. Other Spanish ports are fine (even Havana, which is on the same island as Santiago). One time I approached Havana under pirate flag and fired upon. I got away, changed the flag to Spain and came back, then the fort no longer fires at me. I remember there used to be a bug like this and it was fixed. But the same bug seems to have come back.
It's unlikely that Santiago fort would recognise you as a pirate right away, though not impossible. But it remembers you in the little tartane; it should not still recognise you after you have stolen the snow brig Tonina, unless you were amazingly unlucky twice.

What surprises me is that you let Havana fort see you under a pirate flag, then it failed to attack when you approached again under a Spanish flag - it should have remembered you, recognised you despite the false flag, and fired again.

Which version of the game are you playing?

Next time Santiago fort fires at you, post "compile.log". It should show a reason why the fort is attacking.
Here is the log file. I didn't save it at when the fort was firing at me. Please let me know if this doesn't show what you are looking for. Btw, I am using the Apr update version


  • compile.log
    7.3 KB · Views: 47
The key line is near the end:
FLAGS: The 'Santiago Fort' turned hostile as they have recognized us

As unlikely as it may be, Santiago fort recognised you as a pirate when you first sailed there in the tartane. I'm not sure why it still recognises you after you have changed to a different ship, though the fact that it just says "they have recognised us" and does not say "The 'Santiago Fort' remembers us as <insert ship type>" is a bit odd.

You'll just have to moor at Bahia de Moa, walk into town (and get some melee practice by fighting bandits), and either buy amnesty from Spain or wait until the storyline gives you a pardon and a Letter of Marque before trying to enter Santiago port again.
Yeah, that's the weirdest part. Once it recognizes me the first time, it can "recognize" me every time I show up. Other ports don't have this kinda behavior. I don't recall having this issue in previous updates. Maybe something was accidentally turned off?
Nothing which affects false flag recognition has changed in the latest update, either in general code or in the storyline. Any fort or ship always has a chance of recognising you, and once they do, they remember you. The more famous you are, the more likely you are to be recognised, though even when you're a nobody, there's still a slight, non-zero chance. Santiago was lucky and you were unlucky.

Some time ago, there was a bug preventing recognition from happening at all, which was just as well because there was another, unrelated bug preventing stores or street merchants from having items for sale if you moored at a beach and walked into town - the only way to buy weapons, armour, spyglasses etc. was to sail into port. Both bugs were fixed - indeed, I didn't put the fix for false flag recognition into the update until the bug about items for sale was also fixed. So now pirates and enemy privateers are recommended to do what real pirates and enemies of the state did, which is moor somewhere away from port and then sneak in through the back door.
Interesting. So if I moored at any beach on Cuba and then go on shopping spree in BOTH Santiago and Havana, cargo would still get loaded regardless at which beach you landed at?
Yes, cargo trading does not check where the ship is moored. You'll just have to imagine your crew sweating as they carry barrels and bales through the jungle. :whipa This may be one reason why, when you have over 1000000 gold, they get upset until you sign articles with them - they've been doing all the work and you've been keeping all the money!

The one place which does check is the shipyard. If you pay the shipyard to repair the ship, it will teleport your ship to the port. So don't repair it unless you're in a friendly port! (You can repair the ship yourself by buying planks and sailcloth, and preferably hiring a skilled carpenter. And now your crew have to carry planks through the jungle as well...)
Oh, ok. I have 2 follow-up questions:
1. destroyed cannon cannot be self-repaired, right? You can only get replacement cannon from a shipyard, right?
2. some axes have description saying that you can use it to harvest planks in jungle. I tried it. It seems I can hack some trees with axes (it will cause a big non-damaging explosion with big white cloud), but there is no plank to pick up. Is the description off?
1. Watch the screen when a cannon is destroyed. Sometimes it will say that the cannon can be fixed, in which case it will be back in action the next day. Sometimes it does not, in which case you do indeed need to replace it. You can move cannons from a captured ship to your own, but beware! If the ship from which you are taking cannons has smaller guns, all your cannons will be reduced. On the other hand, if the ship from which you are taking cannons has larger guns, your guns will not be increased to match.

Or you can indeed go to a shipyard and buy replacement cannons. (Unlike repairs, this does not teleport the ship to the port if you're moored at a beach. And now the crew who have to lug stuff through the jungle really hate you!)

2: The description is just for amusement. You can't get wood from destroyed trees, regardless of whether you hack them with an axe, a sword or your bare fists. Trees are effectively characters which can't move but which can be hit and damaged like any other character, the difference being what happens when you kill them - as you found, there's the white cloud and no lootable corpse. (And the AI can sometimes get confused - your officers may then decide that the tree AI group is now an enemy and go round attacking the whole lot.)

There is a way to get wood out in the jungle, though. If you're attacked by highwaymen, you can offer to pay them to chop down some trees for you. They don't actually attack any trees which might be in the area, they just take some money from you and some wood appears in your hold.
But bandits are a cheaper way to get wood? Also, only spade and pickaxe have special uses besides serving as a weapon, right? I am just not sure which ones are not just pure weapons.
But bandits are a cheaper way to get wood? Also, only spade and pickaxe have special uses besides serving as a weapon, right? I am just not sure which ones are not just pure weapons.
I'm not sure off-hand whether bandits are cheaper, but hiring them to get wood is a way to avoid fighting them, and they're also a way to get wood if you're on a hostile island and the store has refused to serve you.

Apart from weapons which can poison or stun, or which have a chance to attack without provoking a counter-attack because they're sneaky, yes, I believe the spade and pickaxe are the only weapons with extra uses - you'll need them for treasure quests.
But bandits are a cheaper way to get wood? Also, only spade and pickaxe have special uses besides serving as a weapon, right? I am just not sure which ones are not just pure weapons.
A shovel and a pickaxe are used to dig up treasures, a map for which can be given to you by a random person like in a tavern.
knuckle and baton
I don't know about the knuckle, but the club seems to stun.