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Need Help Game loads, but won't go past start up menu

Pirate Dave

Good day everyone! Hoping someone here can help.

Downloaded this game today and the accompanying mod. Last played the NH mod several years ago and enjoyed it. Re-installed the game, got the new mod... The game loads. I can get to the setup menu and select "New Game." I get through all the different settings like choosing my name and picture and ship and whatnot. I click on start game and... the screen changes to the next splash screen and the coin starts (very slowly) flipping. And then nothing. Kicks me out back to windows. Tried running in XP Service Pack 3 compatibility and nothing. After looking in these forums for nearly an hour, I'm not finding anything that works. Uploaded the compile and system logs (I'm not getting an error one).

Any advice appreciated.


  • compile.log
    1.7 KB · Views: 147
  • system.log
    462 bytes · Views: 172
Welcome aboard @Pirate Dave! :cheers

Do you happen to have an Intel GPU?
If so the Intel fix can probably fix this, at the cost of loosing water quality.
Or you can use DGvoodoo and have the normal water.

Also it is highly advised to not install the game in "Program Files".
If you run Dxdiag you can see the specks of your computer.
If you seach it on windows it will show up.

Or you could just install one of the two solutions and if it's fixed you are running it on an Intel GPU.

As for running the game on Windows 10, you may need to limit your FPS to 60.
But this is something to worry about later.

Edit: Sometimes you may also have a dedicated GPU, but the game runs in the intergrated one.

Edit 2: Maybe this thread by @DavyJack will be of help.
Guide - Installing New Horizons for Laptops with two GPU's
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You're welcome! :cheers
If something else arises feel free to ask about it.

Happy sailing!