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Minor issues

Kara Korsan

Hello, folks!

Did a quick Hoist the Colors run; it was pretty good, although there were a few matters of small import. Here they are, in case you'd like to check them out:
  • Virginia d'Espivant cannot be returned to the governor of St. Pierre.
  • You can set sail to the Portuguese island and ask the tavernkeeper about Beckett way early in the game when it doesn't make any sense at all.
  • Governor Swann has no dialogue portrait.
  • HMS Dauntless spawns next to you at the end of the story. If you pound her into submission and board her, James Norrington has no surrender dialogue. You're stuck on the deck.
That's all, I guess. It was a bit of a speed run, so I'm lucky to have caught this much.

Have a good day there.
Virginie d'Espivant: try this version of "Joseph Claude Le Moigne_dialog", which should allow both Virginie d'Espivant and the pirate frigate quests.
Portuguese island: some time I'll try the story again and see if I can figure out a suitable condition to put into the tavern keeper's dialog. Otherwise I'd prefer to leave it alone and not risk breaking the dialog when it is needed!
Governor Swann: the character model is imported from "Age of Pirates", which has no talking head, therefore there is no suitable head model for him.
HMS Dauntless: never noticed that during my past playing of the story. There was one time when I tried to do a load of sidequests before heading for Isla de Muerte for the finale, so I had the Interceptor.


  • JackSparrow_governor_dialog.zip
    6.4 KB · Views: 203
Sweet! I can turn Virginia over now. The new governor still refuses to give me the frigate quest, however, even though the townsfolk keep talking about it when asked about latest rumors. Oh, well. I'd already captured one Volcano II and brought it to the port for sale, and the harbormaster had mentioned how it had been messing with their trade. Maybe this is for the best. Rumors may be misleading, though.