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El Patron (Humberto Indigo Diaz)

That's because you're still ActorType. You need to trigger a dialog exit quest in Tomas' dialog that links to a quest case in your quests_reaction.c file that includes a line LAi_SetPlayerType(pchar);
In whatever case you're triggering from the dialog file. You're going to need to get to understand the way the code actually works.
Consider that nothing happens unless you code it and make sure that there's a link between the last code that was executed and the next code you want to execute.
The code doesn't execute itself, so you need to make sure there's a trigger there.

Also consider that sometimes your code can leave a character being "messed up" for further use, such as leaving a character as ActorType whom you might need to talk to again later (you can't talk to ActorType characters yourself).
Imagine doing that to, for example, a governor. You wouldn't be able to interact with him anymore. So consider the further consequences of your coding and if there's anything like this example going on,
add some restoration code in place for when your quest scene is over. In my example, set the governor back to HuberType once you're done dealing with him and it'll be fine.

This line in your dialog case will set the player back to being controllable after the dialog is over: AddDialogExitQuest("player_back");
The way it works is that it triggers the "player_back" quest case in PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_common.c:
		case "player_back":
However, that will not continue your quest in any way, shape or form. So you can put a different AddDialogExitQuest line in there and add a new case for that in your quests_reaction file.
Then you can put any code you want in that case. You'll need at least the Lai_SetPlayerType line, but you can also add a questbook entry or some code similar to this:
			Pchar.quest.meet_habourmaster.win_condition.l1 = "location";
PChar.quest.meet_habourmaster.win_condition.l1.character = Pchar.id;
Pchar.quest.meet_habourmaster.win_condition.l1.location = "Redmond_Head_port_house";
Pchar.quest.meet_habourmaster.win_condition = "meet_habourmaster";
This would be used to trigger yet another quest case named "meet_habourmaster" as soon as you enter the "Redmond_Head_port_house" location.
Then you again can put whatever code you want in that quest case. For example, some code to get that harbour master to talk to you.
Alright, I managed that, and I can now walk once more! Now all I need to know is how to script a Blacksmith shop in Santiago because that is where my next quest will take me. Two more annyoing things with Tiplamano though. Before the conversation with him ends, there is one or two lines of blank dialog. In the first line of dialog, he says my name for some reason. Why is that?
Now all I need to know is how to script a Blacksmith shop in Santiago because that is where my next quest will take me.
Why don't you forget about location coding for now and try to get a grasp on the quest coding. You can't try to learn everything at once. It's just too much. :wacko:

Before the conversation with him ends, there is one or two lines of blank dialog.
Probably because you added more dialog cases than you've got dialog text. Just remove the last case and make sure to keep the links between the cases and the exit case updated and working.

In the first line of dialog, he says my name for some reason. Why is that?
That's why:
dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[0] + GetMyFullName(PChar) + "?";
That code makes him say whatever the first line of your .h file contains and then adds the player's full name behind it and then a question mark to conclude.
It's better to code the player's name use like this, rather than hardcoding it in the .h file, in case the player decides to play with a different name.
Stop him from saying what? The player name? Just remove the code that makes him say it, eg. dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[0];
I agree with you about adding new locations, so i the meantime, I need to find a suitable place to put Mr. Blacksmith. Are there any empty houses in Santiago?
My mistake. Sorry, there is no house in Santiago, apparently. Why don't you temporarily use the store or something?
I managed to make Nico Ernesto appear in the shipyard (but he is on the roof, but that can be easily fixed :rolleyes: ) Tomorrow, I will be able to work on it more. I will add dialog for Nico, somehow figure out how to make Simone appear at a location as well as have a conversation between three people. As soon as I finish that, I will link the Tomas Tiplamano quest with this one. If there is time, I may try to learn how to create questbook entries. If and when I do make those entires, they will be very simple and temporary (eg: Go to the shipyard and talk to Nico Ernesto). I already wrote questbook entries down in a journal I bought specificaly for my storyline, but I left it at my summer house over Spring Break. Luckily, I will be going next weekend, so I should be able to bring it back with me then.

So, in conclusion, this has been my official day one of development on the magnificiant tale of Humberto Diaz. And if you ask me, I think I did a pretty good job for my first day of work (in the meantime, I will give you my updated zip)

Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from now on, although I know that there will be some rough seas lying ahead :sail

View attachment HumbertoDiaz.zip
You're getting somewhere, mate! And with a bit of luck, you'll learn as you go along and will be able to figure out things yourself soon too. :onya
Alright, so my next quest (or part of the quest) takes me to the Santiago de Cuba shipyard to talk to Nico Ernesta, the local blacksmith. I need to somehow make a link of the two quests so that they are connected. How do I link the end of Tomas Tiplamano's dialog to trigger this quest?
See here: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/16070-el-patron-humberto-indigo-diaz/page__view__findpost__p__395138
I'm in the middle of the conversation with the blacksmith, but midway through the conversation, I want someone to walk in and interrupt, initiating a three way conversation. How would I go about doing that?
I'm in the middle of the conversation with the blacksmith, but midway through the conversation, I want someone to walk in and interrupt, initiating a three way conversation. How would I go about doing that?

Don't know myself but it is possible coz SoFS had a group conversation in that mod in a cut scene..
It's possible, but gets a lot more complex because you need to trigger the next sentence (from the other character) with a quest case and go back and forth through quest cases all the time.