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Corrupt a Wish

Granted! Soon, the world panics and several nations attempt nuclear attacks at your ship. They fail, but the world has been rendered uninhabitable. You commit suicide on January the 1st, 00:07.

I wish the wheather were never too hot, not too cold.
Granted. Soon several organisms began to crumble and become extinct due to inappropriate weather conditions of their natural and suitable environmental conditions destroying the circle of life making humans suffer and eat each other creating a deadly virus which wiped the human race.

I wish to be like superman except with no weakness(es) that is never sad and has no suicidal tendency who helps and protects the Universe having no second thoughts, ever, with the most powerful aliens at my back at all times meaning no harm, ever, to what I protect.
Granted! Few years from now, the people you love will begin to die. You realize there's something twisted, terribly wrong with you. Instead of crying and mourning their death, you find yourself standing at their funerals with a perfect grin, always happy. You are respected in the world, but seen as something unhuman, incapable of feeling sad. Some thousand years from now, the human race becomes extint, there's no intelligent life in the solar system anymore. Alone, you try to commit suicide time after time, but you fail, since you are immortal. You wander aimlessly in the solitary world for centuries. You know it's wrong, but you can't help it, you feel happy. Condemned to loneliness, you begin your journey to the closest solar system, Alpha Centauri, which is 4 light years from the earth. It takes you several decades traveling in the dark, cold, absolutely empty void which is outer space, to get to Alpha Centaury. Once you get there, you find there's no life at all. You continue traveling through the whole universe, not being able to find anything with an intelligence superior to that of a donky. After billions and billions of years, traversing the whole universe, galaxy after galaxy, the whole universe is absorbed by one gigantic black hole. You remain in the black, empty void for eternity, with a grin in your face.

I whish I could meet Beethoven.
Granted. But on that moment, Beethoven is having a bad time so he instantly ignored and left you after introducing yourselves making you look like a fool.

I wish the world could be a better place. :yes
(Let's see what you can do. Hehehe:p)
Too easy. That's been the stated aim of just about every totalitarian regime in history. Three such regimes have now emerged, each convinced that their way is the right way to fulfill your wish. You've just triggered WW3. The human race becomes extinct and the world becomes a better place for dolphins.

I wish I was a dolphin.
I don't think my wish was even granted.
Your wish was that the world could be a better place. The wish was granted, the world was made a better place, just not for humans. :)

I wish all humans and aliens in the universe will stop having war forever making the universe a better place.
(Like my last wish, only broader:p)
Granted. Humans became extinct as a result of a previous wish and will therefore not make war again. The aliens discard all their weapons. The sharks, being neither human nor alien, evolve into starfaring fish and eat the aliens. The universe is a better place for sharks.
(Like my last wish granting, only broader. :p)

I wish I had a shark-fishing star boat.
Granted. But then it explode.xD

I wish this wish will not be granted.
(Now let's see what you can do. :razz)
:O Granted. You are trapped in an endless loop in your weird wish, which granted and never granted at the same time.

I wish muscles would never tear. God that's painfull!
Granted. Muscles become tear-proof and 100% rigid. Everyone is now a statue.

I wish I was a pigeon, now that there are so many targets to choose from.
Granted. A 10 centimeters radius fish bowl is what you call home for the rest of your life, which tragically ends after a couple of years when you are flushed in the toilet.

I wish I could flyyyyy
Granted. Unfortunately your wish failed to mention landing. You come down head first, your head sticks in the ground, and someone steals your trousers and shoes.

I wish I could find someone to buy these nice new shoes I've just acquired, and I'm willing to give a free pair of trousers to the highest bidder.
Bloody thiefs! xD

Granted. The bid rises to a grand total of two and a half bucks.

I whish mosquitos wouldn't bite me.
Granted, but you do.

I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year, lalala.
Granted. Lalala is in fact a mutant space goat whose idea of a happy meal is to eat a planet. Enjoy Christmas 2013 because there won't be Christmas 2014 after Lalala has celebrated its happy new year by eating the Earth.

I wish to live forever, with no pain whatsoever, owning vast personal property plus a company of nubiles.
Granted. It's your 200 birthday. Your cohort of outworldly beatiful nubiles sing and dance around you. You laugh and dance and laugh some more. By the end of the party you blow the two hundred candles from your extremely expensive cake and you have something else blown too. You have all the pleasures you want in your life. Suddenly, one of those candles starts a fire, everybody panics and runs. Unfortunately, you are too drunk to react in time and you find yourself caught in the middle of a thick fog of black smoke. Soon, the fire begins to burn you alive, but you don't feel any pain and decide to take a nap. Hours later, you nubiles find your calcinated body, you are still and will forever be alive, but you are now made of ashes. They collect all of it and put it in a box. With all the fortune they inherited from you they build a palace and place your ashes atop an altar in the main room, from where you are able to see day after day your nubiles having fun with other men.
Granted. Everything is free, and that includes you. You are bought for exactly $0.00 and forced to work as a slave for zero pay. And I get to watch my army of nubiles having fun with you, observing that their idea of fun does not involve much fun for you.

I wish someone would figure out which game my previous wish came from.