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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Need Help muskets in other epoches

Other than what? Muskets are not available in the earliest period, but I believe they are in all other periods.
They start to appear in Golden Age of Piracy. So that's the third time period.

To change that, find this code in PROGRAM\ITEMS\initItems.c:
  // GUNS: ItemIndex  picIndex  Price  Charges
  //  | gunID  modelID  |  rare  | minDamage  Accuracy|Reload time  DisableWeaponsMod
  //  |  |  |  picTexture|  |  MinLevel  |  | maxDamage  |  |  | Nation  Sound  Ammo type  |  Available in period  Last period of availability
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol1", "pistol1",  6,  1, 0.50,  1,  150, 15.0, 25.0,  5, 1,  8, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_small.wav",  "pb",  0,  PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS,  PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Short Pistol//BB BASE FOR PISTOLS
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol2", "pistol2",  6,  2, 0.50,  4,  208, 40.0, 60.0,  50, 1, 12, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium.wav", "pb",  0,  PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS,  PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Long Pistol//BB small calibre(less dmg)+good accuracy
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol7", "pistol7",  9,  1, 0.20,  5,  357, 15.0, 25.0,  5, 3, 25, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_small.wav",  "pb",  0,  PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS,  PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Brace of Small Pistols (Alan Smithee)
  n = InitGun(n,"PiratesPistol","PiratesPistol", 22, 10, 0.20,  7,  554, 30.0, 60.0,  50, 1, 10, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium.wav", "pb",  0,  PERIOD_THE_SPANISH_MAIN,  PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Pirates Pistol (SuperDurnius)
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol6", "pistol6",  6,  6, 0.05,  9,  1026, 30.0, 40.0,  55, 2, 20, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium.wav", "pb",  0,  PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Double-Shot Pistol
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol3", "pistol3",  6,  3, 0.37,  11,  1402, 30.0, 60.0,  30, 1, 20, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_grape.wav",  "pg",  0,  PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Grapeshot Pistol
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol8", "pistol8",  9,  3, 0.15,  13,  1260, 20.0, 40.0,  50, 3, 30, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium.wav", "pb",  0,  PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS,  PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Brace of Mid-size Pistols (Alan Smithee)
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol4", "pistol4",  6,  4, 0.05,  15,  2286, 20.0, 30.0,  60, 4, 35, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_small.wav",  "pb",  0,  PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS,  PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Quad-Barrel Pistol
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol5", "pistol5",  6,  5, 0.10,  16,  2653, 50.0,150.0,  70, 1, 14, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_big.wav",  "pb",  0,  PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Scrapper Pistol
  n = InitGun(n,"pistolmtoon", "musketoon_back",  8,  9, 0.08,  17,  2968, 75.0,125.0,  60, 1, 24, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_mtoon.wav",  "pg2",  1,  PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // JRH: model was Musketoon
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol9", "pistol9",  9,  2, 0.10,  18,  3620, 60.0, 80.0,  70, 2, 25, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_big.wav",  "pb",  0,  PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Brace of Large Pistols (Alan Smithee)
  n = InitGun(n,"pistolmket",  "musket_back",  8, 10, 0.05,  20,  3245,150.0,250.0,  80, 1, 30, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_musket.wav", "mb",  1,  PERIOD_GOLDEN_AGE_OF_PIRACY, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // JRH: model was Musket
  n = InitGun(n,"pistol10", "pistol10",  "JD",  5, 0.02,  99,  6572, 60.0, 90.0,  60, 1,  1, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_big.wav",  "mb",  1,  PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS,  PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC);  // Pump Shotgun SLiB  LDH fix sound error
Use these period names:
#define PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS         4
#define PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC         5