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WIP Raven's Cry: Role-Playing Action Adventure Game


Raping the Horses and Stealing the Women!
Staff member
I got this letter from Kamil, I didnt just want to waste it on me as it is he has spent some time going over it.


I have read your negative opinion about the Raven's Cry preview and I agree with it somehow. However, there could still be a chance to change the game. I will tell you my thoughts now, so please hear me out.

The promise to make a non-Hollywood influenced pyrate game seems better than it might actually be. The fact that a "magic" system will be implemented is a sign, that the developers are breaking their promise. However, the developers ARE NOT Topware, but Octane Games. Albeit publishers may have an influence on the developing status (release schedules mainly) the developers are bearing the main fault.

But nevertheless there is still a chance to have an influence on the developing process, due to the fact, that the game is still pre-alpha. But what should be done: You have a great portal with many members so please request your entire members to write to the developers: Their email is info@octanegames.fi

I myself have written them a letter in September 2011 and some content of my letter, has been implemented, albeit not to a full extent, however there are traces, that these things will be implemented. Now I am writing them a huge letter about the most important things and how they could change it to make the game better.

Even if the game will be an action adventure and not an RPG, the genre is not the important point here, only the presentation.

But about what should the users write the developers, well here is the topic. You should request your users to write mails to the developers about the following things

1. Scabbards, frogs, holsters, belts at rifles, and quivers for arrows must be there. Every person, who wears a weapon, must have the appropriate sheathing and hanging (Scabbards must be there!!! Every rapier, cutlass, main gauche, knife, dirk must have be in a scabbard. NO EXCUSES, NO COMPROMISES THERE). Floating flintlocks and weapons should also not exist. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT POINTS, WHERE NEARLY EVERY GAME FAILS.
2. Dead bodies must not disappear in front of the player, they should disappear after they player left an island. Or they could introduce something new, like a generic funeral animation, to make something new.
3. Magic system, a compromise: They can keep it. However, ton he highest difficulty level magic must not work. Every magic charm used on this level of difficulty will result into nothing. Magic should be rubbish on this level.
4. Health regeneration system, also a compromise: They can keep it, however on the most difficult level. No health regeneration should be possible. There should be doctor, who will heal the protagonist; however, he must first get to this doctor.
5. No exploding barrels just by being shot and exploding cannonballs!!! An absolute no go!!
6. ABSOLUTELY NO SPAWNING enemies. Only finite amounts of enemies, better to give them a good AI, instead of producing a limitless amount of them.
7. Mutilations should be only possible with axes and cutlasses, but no rapiers.
8. Civilians must be killable; everything else will be hypocrisy in this game.
9. Unlocking animation. Even if the character will not reload his guns and prime them, he should at least unlock his gun, before firing, by pulling the hammer back. However, enemies with rifles should reload their rifles appropriately; with a 20 second reload animation!
10. No flying persons if they are caught in a blast, this is also too Hollywood like.

By doing so the level of the presentation will be very good and it will be a game, which will be standing out from the mass. Also if more people are fighting for a good and accurate presentation, the chances are high. I wrote them myself about the importance of holsters, scabbards and hangings and although this trailer was done over the night. At least the main character had holsters and a frog attached to his baldric. Even if he did not have a scabbard at the time of the trailer, the fact, that he had a frog and holsters gives me hopes. You will ask why? Hangings for swords are rarely implemented, very rarely. Also the fact, which the guy after receiving a shot, only slumped down and did not flew meters away, was a good sign.

I hope you will help me with my fight. Developers will hear our thoughts and if many people are voicing the same opinion, than they have to react. Also we should praise the developers for having this idea and tell them, to distinguish themselves with the implementation of the above mentioned points. As for Topware we should tell them that the release should be 2013 and not 2012, thus helping the developers to get more time.

I hope you agree with me. I would be also glad to hear your opinion about Raven’s first gameplay trailer.
Thank you very much in advance


Kamil Fialr
Now for my very brief input. I can't complain about what they do and do not add to Raven's cry as I have no expectations let alone high ones. I think most here have been beaten with a stick and now suffer in the basement that is casual gaming.

Raven's cry is a platform game that's been designed so XBox players can get into it. If they were to make a pirate game most of the people here would get into would pretty much preclude console gaming because of he mouse/keyboard combo.

The only game I have my eye's half on is the Russian Mount and Blade addon that's set in the Caribbean. I think the development of this may be held up though :(
Ok, I'll bite...
I was in contact with Octane games back in July of last year, and in January, and I have yet to hear back from them about the questions we submitted. Instead all we get is occasional leaks to other gaming sites that answer a lot of the questions that we asked. If someone else from PA wants to contact them that is fine, but I have other things I am involved with right now.

I had high hopes for this game back when it first surfaced several years ago, I thought finally someone is paying attention to what we have had to say about pirate games over the years. I tried to temper my excitement a bit though, based on what I had seen by the big game companies handling of pirates over the years. And from everything I have learned about this game over the past few months, it is turning in to just another stereotypical console pirate game. If your going to use the tagline “So you think you know Pirates?” to describe your game, it's best to do some actual research on the subject before you set the story and game play elements in stone.

We do know pirates, and if anyone had asked us, we would have very happily given them our support. Sure there were some very bloody bastards that plied the trade, but there have also been some kings, dictators, politicians, bankers and painters throughout history that could match them atrocity for atrocity, and when they took booty they had the backing of sovereignty to make it all legal and official. The vast majority of pirates were ordinary sailors caught up in circumstances far beyond their control, being a pirate was a choice that was forced on them, they did what they had to do to survive. But I am not giving a history lesson here.

Keith is absolutely correct, although this game is being released for the PC as well, it is very obvious that it was developed and designed for Xbox. We have seen this before too. Developers have been trying to tell us for years that PC gaming is dead or dying, when in fact what was in it's death throws was their antiquated retail distribution systems. PC gaming is alive and well, just look at the explosion of Indy PC game developers over the past decade. Oh yes, and of course the explosion of moding communities like ours everywhere on the internet.

The PC is far from a dying platform. The fact is developers are pushing console gaming because they believe it will be easier for them to control piracy and force people in to paying ridicules development and distribution costs. They refuse to acknowledge the fact that they can not control what their customers want to play, and how they want to play it. So the big name game developers have spent the past 15 years attempting to brain wash gamers with the equivalent of “shiny objects and flashy lights” game development with little thinking required. Sadly, for the most part this strategy has worked. I am generalizing a bit here, there have been some good games by good developers, but they are getting fewer and farther between.

Kamil does make some very good points, however there is one that I disagree with wholeheartedly!

#3. Magic system
Superstitions and good luck charms adding to stat bonuses I have absolutely no problem with, but outright summoning of ravens during boarding action or battle is just down right ridiculous and has no business being in a pirate game, especially one that portrays it's self as authentic. That's the stuff of fairy tale RPG's.
#3. Magic system
Superstitions and good luck charms adding to stat bonuses I have absolutely no problem with, but outright summoning of ravens during boarding action or battle is just down right ridiculous and has no business being in a pirate game, especially one that portrays it's self as authentic. That's the stuff of fairy tale RPG's.

I am very sorry that my point about this certain topic was not conveyed very well. I fully agree with you and I should have written that charms, which boost stats are the one and only acceptable kind of magic. However, my intention was the following one; the developers will never abolish their magic system, due to the huge amount of casual gamers. Nevertheless, in terms of programming there is always the possibility, that some features can be bound to a certain degree of difficulty. My idea was to propagate, that they can keep their system (although I should have clearly stated, that summoning ravens and other fancy fantasy stuff should be eliminated and that only stat boosts are an acceptable way of magic) for any difficulty, except the hardest.

Nevertheless thank you for your feedback. I hope you will tell others to write to the developers about these points and hopefully some more, I did not mentioned in this small letter. I am composing my second letter to the devs; I will explicitly mention the magic system.

Again thank you very much for your feedback. I hope that many people will write to the devs. Chances are high, even though Octane Games is a subsidiary enterprise, it is still new and has to make a name for itself.
Well as far I understand, tha project was too big for them and they handed it over to a new developer. That has been 2 month ago, so it's not likely that it will be released now ... but I don't know for sure, just reading what they wrote in your link
I see you have a post on here already but its release date was today and i have yet to find a place online to buy it!
Raven´s Cry is delayed to 2014 because of a developer change to Reality Pump.

I can hardly wait for this one because i think it could be better than Assassin´s Creed IV and POTEHO is still written in the stars :facepalm
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Last time I've checked Amazon UK, the release date was May 7th (Although I think they will release it Q3/Q4 2014)

As for Raven's Cry: The publisher demands feedback in their forum, so let's give them feedback especially demanding period correct ships, good models, with period correct uniforms and all necessary accoutrements and no magic (or at least a "realistic" depiction of magic)!
Want to see how Pirates celebrate Christmas? Want to see some ingame Footage from "Ravens Cry"?
Then you should watch the newest Video from Reality Pump, that shows all of it. :cheers
Reality Pump replace the old developer team Octane Games and is responsible for Games like "Two World II" and its Expansion Pack "Pirates of the Flying Fortress", so they got a little experience with the pirate setting. ;)

Ravens Cry - Sail with the Devil
Okay went to Topware Direkt the store for the game Raven's Cry can not find a release for North America any were. This is what it says: This product will be in stock on Saturday 01 November, 2014.
Okay I per-ordered the game from Amazon.uk where there are 2 versions of it. Treasure chest and the regular version. In USD the treasure chest is $112 or so the original is $54 or so. Should be delivered to me with in May 13th range. So will keep you posted on that. Some German websites contend the game will not be in stock until November 01.


Thanks for keeping us updated. I very much want to get this game too but Topware releases always seem to be slow even when they state its being released. If I recall Two Worlds 2 was like that. Was technically released but then not available for most to purchase for about a month until retailers started distributing it though. But a May 7th release being claimed on the website yet some retailers are saying November?