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Sea Dogs: To Each His Own--A Short Review

Jason Maffettone

Lord of Entropy
Quest Writer
Storm Modder
When I saw this game was finally out in English (we’ll call it English anyway) I was thrilled and immediately bought it on Steam. I loved the original Sea Dogs and POTC (Sea Dogs II by another name) and couldn’t wait to play a “new” version of it. Within an hour I was pulling out what remains of my hair and curing the godless commie bastards who had the unmitigated gall to release this thing. But—I kept playing. The game has massive potential in the same ways its predecessors did but it is also an endless litany of fails at the same time. The game can become engrossing if you soldier through the pain of the early game where you desperately try to figure out how things work in spite of the “tutorial” missions which only seem to confuse matters further but once you hit level 25 or so you find yourself in an endless repetition of the same old same old, punctuated by infuriating hold-ups as yo0u are constantly beset by mobs of bounty-hunters on land and sea, hired by whatever power you made angry—often through no real fault of your own. I mostly have complaints about this game so let’s get to them. They include, but are by no means limited to:

*Horrid, broken missions: There are lots of missions which is nice—the previous games suffered from a terrible dearth of them so this is, in concept good. The problem is the mission, more often than not, just don’t work. You are frequently given timed missions that cannot possibly be completed in the time given. You are rarely told what Island the mission takes place on so you have to sail around for hours, constantly re-loading your save games—to locate it. Location names are often not only misspelled but are spelled differently in different places so you often have no idea what the hell is going on. Many missions require locating a specific ship which is hard enough but since you are CONSTANTLY being attacked by random encounters it is unlikely you will be in any condition to deal with your target if you actually do manage to find it.

*Annoying land combat: The new combat system is both a plus and minus. The changes, on the surface, seems very minor but they make a big difference. In one on one fights it’s great and makes the combat very dynamic. The trouble is that so many of the fights are melees and there it causes the combat to drag out FOREVER. This is especially obnoxious as your bounty starts to rise and you can’t go from one building to the next in any settlement without getting jacked by a gang of 12 guys.

*Too much sea combat. I am a big fan of this aspect of the game but it goes way too far. You are endlessly being attacked at sea. Half the ships out there are pirates and they always go straight for you as soon as you are on the world map. Eventually you can develop a trait that makes most of the mobs leave you be but by then you are in the same boat regarding the bounty hunters who are not affected by it.

The game can be fun but there are just too many flaws to recommend it. If the developers ever open the files to modding, they are encrypted at the moment, then something great could be made out of it. As it stands it is an inferior version of POTC a decade plus later with no real improvements.
Interesting read.
Out of curiosity though, what would you reckon this game does do better than its predecessors?
The sea battles are a bit smoother and the AI seems improved--at least for enemy ships. For some reason telling your companion ships to sail away makes them turn into the wind and sit there like idiots. Other than that the ships seem to deal with the wind a little better and jocky for position before closing to attack.

The sword play, as I mentioned, is very nice in one on one boss fights with the captains but just gets in the way when fighting multiple enemies since they just stand there and block constantly--partly because they added a fatigue system.

Two-handed firarms are very nice though it's an annoyance to equipp and unequip them all the time which you need to do to make use of them.

Lots of little side quests but a lot of them are very buggy.

Graphically it is identical--it still uses all the same maps and assets with a few new ones thrown in but even more taken out. It uses a blur feature to clean-up the edges and make them a little less jagged but no changes to speak of in the graphics department. Well, the ships are a little better but not any better than the POTC modded ones--just better than the stock models.

There is now a duel currency system--peasoes (normal money) and dabloons that are the "special" currency needed for a lot of items, quests, upgrades, etc. It's more of an irritation to deal with it than anything else however; it doesn't really add anything to the game.

Pretty much every good thing has something bad that goes along with it. If the files were unlocked it would make a fine base to port the build over to and keep it going now that POTC is becoming very rare and it's only a matter of time before there are no more functioning install disks out there and new machines just won't run it. That's my main interest in it. We could keep the build alive for many more years by moving it over to SD since the engine is basically the same but modernized.
If the files were unlocked it would make a fine base to port the build over to and keep it going [...]. That's my main interest in it. We could keep the build alive for many more years by moving it over to SD since the engine is basically the same but modernized.
If that is what you're after, Age of Pirates 2 is, in theory at least, the best base game for that.
That one does have the PROGRAM file unlocked and we even have the source code, so, again in theory, the sky is the limit.

But as you noticed from the double times I used the words "in theory", in practice it works out quite differently.
All AoP 2 modding here has died out, because nobody has cared enough about it to carry it like I did and still do on PotC.
All attempts to cooperate between various modders have failed quite miserably, leading to far more grief than it is worth.

So I no longer care about it. I care about PotC and I hope that Hearts of Oak fully takes off one day.
Any of these other games are a complete and utter waste of my time and efforts.
Not because the games themselves don't have potential (they very much DO!),
but because of pointless personal/political reasons that make everything far more difficult and unpleasant than they have any reason to be.

now that POTC is becoming very rare and it's only a matter of time before there are no more functioning install disks out there and new machines just won't run it.
I wished a legal digital version was available, but no luck on that one so far.
There are probably still some relatively easy illegitimate means of acquiring the game though.
And with the Intel Fix, the game is still pretty much compatible with all known hardware.
More so than when the game was originally released, in fact!

The main issue we have these days is the lack of a framerate limiter in Windows 10.
The game still works, but keeping it running does indeed not get any easier as the computer world keeps progressing "forward".
All AoP 2 modding here has died out, because nobody has cared enough about it to carry it like I did and still do on PotC.
All attempts to cooperate between various modders have failed quite miserably, leading to far more grief than it is worth.

So I no longer care about it. I care about PotC and I hope that Hearts of Oak fully takes off one day.
Any of these other games are a complete and utter waste of my time and efforts.
Not because the games themselves don't have potential (they very much DO!),
but because of pointless personal/political reasons that make everything far more difficult and unpleasant than they have any reason to be.

Nobody cared about it? Really? That's just not right at all and you know it. There are several groups still actively working on it, just not in places where they're not wanted.

I am actually an old PA member and former original GOF team modder that was on the team when Firebat was in charge. I have used a completely new name to hide my true identity because of the hostility this site now has for COAS and anything GOF related. There are many reasons AoP 2 modding has died out here but if you want to blame politics, then look in the mirror. You say you no longer care about it, but when did you ever?

The real mistake you guys made that run this site is that you underestimated the popularity of AoP 2. When you made Hearts of Oak your primary focus and discouraged new incoming modders and modelers from doing anything more with storm, that was the first mistake, and then when you gave old MK the heave ho, that was the second mistake which totally destroyed any future for AoP 2 modding afterwords. AoP 2 modding is not dead. There is a fairly active community still working hard at making it the very best it can be. Members from that community have been treated with hostility when they have posted here and EVERYONE sees that. Have you looked at what the Quadratic Team is doing? MK has covered that on his site.

Also the stuff you guys tried to hang on ole MK was not right. You guys know by now that he is no hacker and was never responsible for the attacks on you guys. If you guys knew anything about hackers you would realize they are a quirky bunch that take a liking to certain people. Maybe they did attack you guys badly after MK left, but that isn't his fault and you have no proof of the things that have been blamed on him. For Pete's sake just look at the many articles that guy wrote here and look at the stuff he continues to churn out for the Buccaneers Reef community. He's not a hacker, he's a historian for God's sake and you guys know it.

Numerous people contacted you about the unfairness and numerous people tried to get you to reconsider your position, but your hard line stand on the matter is what turned people away. Sure not everyone thought MK did right either, or rushed to be a part of his community, but several key members did and new members too. Many old members that didn't move over with us, wanted nothing more to do with you guys either after, when they saw the way you handled things. The lies after have really been bad and all of the old timers know the truth when they see it.

Even now as angry as MK was about how everything went down he says he would still forgive and work with PA! again just to promote AoP 2 modding. Several of us think he is nuts for thinking such things when its apparent that the hostility you still bear against him is so apparent. One of our members announced to our group recently that you had told him in a private message that you bear MK no ill will. Well maybe you should prove that and try to finally heal this rift.

....or you can delete and/or lock this thread now which has become your M.O. when talking about this subject in the past. I have really tried to hold my tongue and be quiet about this for a long time. I didn't think it was worth it. But after the completely erroneous information in that last post I couldn't allow myself to sit still any longer.

Bottom line AoP 2 modding is not only alive and well, but flourishing. The progress being made recently has been amazing and for the record MK's dream has always been to port New Horizons over to AoP 2. He is working on a new world map currently and has already done numerous experiments in successfully porting single new colonies into AoP 2. Looking at his track record of persistence and the amazing things he's already done, I think he will be successful. Now awaiting the slamming shot gun blasts...

fire away
I did say "here" in my post. And that is true.

And nobody ever did carry it like I did. The fact that there is no more CoAS modding here is full proof of that.
I had hoped MK would do it. And he sort of kind of did, I suppose.
But he was banned for a great many very good reasons. It was the toughest decision we've ever had to make at the time, but we know it was ultimately the right one.

And if there is one thing in my post that is more true than anything else, it is that all attempts to cooperates have failed miserably.
If "having no other choice than to ban the one person who might still make stuff happen" is not a miserable failure, I don't know what is.
It was as unfortunate as it comes and I still wish things could have been different.

Anyway, your post is full of falsehoods. I did what I could to support CoAS modding and if you were indeed around at the time, you know that to be completely true.
There is probably code in MK's mod right now that I gave to him specifically for his mod, because he could not figure out how to make it work himself.
You'll probably claim now that never happened, because it completely disproves your point above.
But happen it did. The relevant posts are probably still somewhere on this forum.

Our supposed "hostile attitude" towards CoAS is also completely made up by you.
If you want to know why certain members are welcomed with less than open arms, it is because they come here with the specific purpose of complaining and/or attacking us for things that happened years back.
We don't go over to MK's forum for the specific reason to annoy him, yet people repeatedly do it the other way.
For proof of that happening, look no further than your very own post above.

We would always welcome CoAS modding on this forum. What we do not welcome is the negative attitude that MK and those associated with him insist on bringing with them.

Ultimately, posts like your own are irrefutable proof that we were right to do what we did.
So if you truly care about finally rectifying the situation here, you know where to begin: The obvious first step is to drop that attitude once and for all and never let us see it again.
It will not ever be welcome here, so if you keep it up, we'll just keep on banning you.
Something tells me that we already did in the past. And probably more than once.