• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. MrMister

    Unconfirmed Bug Colonies menu drops mouse FPS for duration of background video

    Then I'll go with Baste's option of extra/animated text without FPS drops; thanks.
  2. MrMister

    Fixed Can't find Guadaloupe's bladesmithress

    So through unarmed citizen dialogue, in the asking-about-local-citizens part, you can ask about Tomas the bladesmith. However, I can't seem to find her building, and there is no option to ask for directions to her place either. Is she really there? Playing Tales of a Sea Hawk.
  3. MrMister

    Unconfirmed Bug Colonies menu drops mouse FPS for duration of background video

    ISSUE The Colonies menu (F2 -> Colonies tab) has a ~3.5s video on its background of people moving cargo about that plays every time you enter/reenter that tab, and after it's done it stays on its last frame (I think; it may be an image file identical to it). During those 3.5 seconds of...
  4. MrMister

    New name for New Horizons Build 15

    Sailors of the Caribbean? Joking aside, congratulations on such such an incoming milestone! My personal take is that the Caribbean setting is important enough to at least warrant the name in a subtitle, but New Horizons *must* be in the title as well, so I don't know how to mash both things.
  5. MrMister

    Fix in Progress Jar of Leeches fails to apply the intended HP removal when used.

    Nice, it works for me too! Consider the whole leech saga closed.
  6. MrMister

    Fix in Progress Jar of Leeches fails to apply the intended HP removal when used.

    It does seem to work now, draining 10 HP (actually 9 since natural healing counters it a bit) over a few seconds, thanks! You can probably add it to the next hotfix batch. One last thing re: jar of leeches though - the game still treats it as both a potion and an antidote, in that it will...
  7. MrMister

    Fix in Progress [SOLUTION PROVIDED: EDITED FILE] Jar of Leeches is top priority target by Quick Heal hotkey

    WHoops, forgot to actually attach the edited file - here it is:
  8. MrMister

    Fix in Progress Jar of Leeches fails to apply the intended HP removal when used.

    As part of the testing of another bug involving leeches, I also discovered that the game fails to applu the -10HP they are supposed to give (image is screenshot from initItems.c). Not sure if this applies to just leeches in particular or to any ispotion item that is set to heal a negative...
  9. MrMister

    Fix in Progress [SOLUTION PROVIDED: EDITED FILE] Jar of Leeches is top priority target by Quick Heal hotkey

    Here's the solution, PROGRAM\ITEMS\items_utilite.c. I've tested it and can confirm that it works. I changed MaxHealthPotionForCharacter as well because otherwise if the player has no healing items besides the leeches, they would still use them. Alternatively, you could instead change the...
  10. MrMister

    Solved Is there a way to disable direct sail permanently?

    To add to this, since I'm pretty sure I know what island border is the most affected, you can alternatively enable OPEN_SEA_MOD to enlargen the map, which will guarantee you will never accidentally directsail.
  11. MrMister

    Fix in Progress Charlestown's "History of this settlement" dialogue seems to be from Pirate Settlement

    Talking to an unarmed citizen in Charlestown, and asking about the history of the colony, the response seems to be the history of the island's other settlement instead, since it refers to Charlestown being founded posteriorly to "our city".
  12. MrMister

    Fix in Progress [SOLUTION PROVIDED: EDITED FILE] Jar of Leeches is top priority target by Quick Heal hotkey

    Jar of Leeches is (I assume, going by the description) a cheap antidote that with suck away a bit of your health. The Quick Heal function (from what I remember when I checked it out years ago) chooses by default the medicament item in your inventory that a) has health gain/regen and b) has the...
  13. MrMister

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 7th June 2024]

    As others have said, there is. However, be mindful that with the balance changes of NH, the difficulty of the naval encounters the storyline forces you into ramps up quite a bit, specially fighting a fort, and that building up (and mantaining) a high-tier fleet to face these encounters is also a...
  14. MrMister

    Fix in Progress Light Pinnace skin tier inconsistency

    Then once you add that small fix (say, change its model to "Light Pinnace (French)") to the changes for the next small gamma update, you can relabel this thread to Solved.
  15. MrMister

    Fix in Progress Light Pinnace skin tier inconsistency

    One of the Light Pinnacle Pinnace skins (switchable for free in any shipyard's Appearance tab) is tier 7, while the rest are tier 6. This may affect the leadership requirements/penalties incurred. Guess the French design is prettier than the rest, if it makes the crew easier to manage. EDIT...
  16. MrMister

    Unconfirmed Bug CrRedmond6 with ship type Sloop4 has no boxsize!

    Got this log message when I Land Ho'd to Jamaica. Should I be worried, or is it a non-issue?
  17. MrMister

    Fixed Bayonetted muskets are seriously bugged

    Out of curiosity, are bayonet-less muskets and deattached bayonets (a sword item) meant to interact in any way? I've tried to see if I could get them to combine or something but no - musket acts as a normal pistol (except for it hanging on your back while your sword is sheathed), and bayonet...
  18. MrMister

    13 questions, but no woman on board. Yet

    Regarding the doubts about being caught smuggling by the coastal ship: Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but said ship catching you is just a roll of the die (affected by a perk and maybe the time of day, I think). If you roll unlucky, a detachment mets you there on the coast and the ship...
  19. MrMister

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 7th June 2024]

    So if I manually set PIRATEFLAGS_TEXTURES_QUANTITY to 6 right now when I start a new game, I'll have a little wierdness for a bit, but once you release that update it'll go back to normal without me needing to start yet another new game?
  20. MrMister

    Unconfirmed Bug Consistent CTD when going to sea after visiting follower ship's deck

    Oops; I may or may not have actually installed the update then, even though I did download it. Probably did it initially but then I reinstalled a bunch of times trying to get it to use the nVidia card, and forgot to do it the last time.