• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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  1. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    I'd swear I updated them with the last zip. I'll check again Oh, I know what happened. Those English files were leftovers from an earlier upload and I forgot to delete them from my "ready to upload" folder. They shouldn't be there at all. The Spanish files are up to date.
  2. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    Here. Updated files and some Jack Sparrow and other assorted dialogs
  3. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    This is still the case in the last zip I'm updating the files and I have a few JackSparrow dialogs in the oven, but I'm short on time.
  4. Homo eructus

    Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

    Join the club:p. In a different game I translated, the solution to the same problem was the opposite: changing the encoding from ANSI to UTF:shrug
  5. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    By sheer chance, I found and fixed a couple small typos in Storyline/standard/DIALOGS/SPANISH/researcher_dialog.h
  6. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    I forgot to save changes before sending it:oops:
  7. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    All of them being always in English looks odd anyway, I'll take the small mercy of seeing them in Spanish once in a while. Besides, when ranks are mentioned using plain text, which is quite often if I recall, they are also translated, so it's all over the place anyway.
  8. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    If it's still foreign from the point of view of the speaker/listener and it's only one character, I feel it has a pass, so it can stay for the sake of variety or change, either way would be fine. My main concern was with the characters using foreign words (even if they are from their real...
  9. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    In regular usage, foreign military ranks are definitely always translated in Spanish. It sounds extremely weird and awkward otherwise. If it was up to me, I probably would have translated all the player ranks for this reason, but I concede that having them in the original language gives some...
  10. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    They seem to work fine, except one that I missed ad was still in English
  11. Homo eructus

    Beyond New Horizons Alpha Release

    A guard should stop you outside the door of the residence and insist on escorting you to the tailor. If this interaction isn't triggering, Edmundo will stay there waiting for it.
  12. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \Storyline\Hornblower\characters_names and INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \QUESTBOOK\Blacques (the latter is only a typo) aren't up to date in the zip
  13. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    In the last update zip, there are four questbook files in the wrong folder in INI\TEXTS\SPANISH \Storyline\Ardent. Two of them (Imprisoned and Vilain Hunt) are older version of files that are already in the right questbook folder and can be deleted but the other two are up to date files that are...
  14. Homo eructus

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 7th June 2024]

    As long as both versions keep consistent with each other in terms of content, but I don't know how long that will last once the porting phase is considered done and they start working on new features or content.
  15. Homo eructus

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 7th June 2024]

    The question is whether it is worth it to keep trying to make the old version more stable when there is already the new version that already is more stable. Even if all the storylines are fixed in the old version, they probably will need new fixes in the new version too. If all the fixing can...
  16. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    True. I overlooked them because I was looking for missing lines, and these weren't missing, only empty. I think this is all
  17. Homo eructus

    Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 7th June 2024]

    @Grey Roger have you had the chance to try BNH? From my limited time with it, it seems at least as stable as the current NH build and certainly loads faster and it's way more accessible, being standalone. Do you consider moving onto it sooner or later?
  18. Homo eructus

    WIP Spanish translation

    Here it is
  19. Homo eructus

    Introducing Myself

    That screenshot contains a typo in the dialogue. Fixed now