• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Gamma Version [Last update: 7th June 2024]

Again, I've never seen this problem - I've had companion ships sunk and the game did not crash. Also:

Pressing Tab does lock the map. On the left, the worldmap as it is by default - zoomed in, the map moves to keep your ship pointing ahead. On the right, the same worldmap after I press Tab - zoomed way out, the map stays static and your ship turns.
View attachment 43988 View attachment 43989
Ahhh,,,by default... so where is the switch to make the map fixed and the ship spin around? Game lacks an instruction set... shame?
Ahhh,,,by default... so where is the switch to make the map fixed and the ship spin around? Game lacks an instruction set... shame?
Well... all I can say is that my tab when pressed does not fix the map like it's done in all past versions... what is it about this version that won't sync with my Lenovo T61?
Also... what is it that in v21 and now sinking an escort after the main battle (in v22 just sinking any ship makes a freeze, makes it crash on my Lenovo with Win7Pro same op system as yours? Makes no sense. Is there a setting in Initial settings I need to be aware of?

Do you change any of the Internal Settings after downloading and installing? I'm Playing out-of-the-box and getting much different performance.
Hmmm... that would mean the default is functional while my Tab key command is not being recognized to switch the map from default.
There is something very wrong with your installation. It does not behave the same way as a normal installation of Build 14.

I have made some changes to "InternalSettings.h", but none which would account for the odd behaviour of your installation. I disabled locked perks and skill bonuses from gems, and I enabled sidestepping. Nothing to do with worldmap or ship sinkings.

How exactly did you install Build 14?
In over a week I downloaded at least 12 times using the link from the PA! webpage with the same result. Since MS Windows security blocks any .exe file from an un-certified site it would not allow that file to be executed until I went through a several step process of vouching for the website as trust worthy, and opened the file. I downloaded the .tar and the installer. Reader the instructions, got out my Akella/Bethesda 2 CD original 2003 and tried to open it in my CD drive but my MS Win7Pro updated OS refused saying the disk was "incompatible"! My option was to go in previous installs, copy the Akella file that had enabled downloading/installation and placed it into the target file alone. When I started the installer it asked for the file to install into. When I selected the folder with the Akella folder in it the installer could not find the original game and shutdown. I then copied the files from the folder into the target game folder. When I directed installer to this it identified the game and did the installation. When I installed I went through the setup ritual and settings as I had previously. What resulted would not perform as all prior games and showed bizarre situations that were not consistent with previous play. The direct sail to Antigua worked but my direct sail to the cove outside failed. While my ship on the map showed inside the ring across the land barrier, when I changed to sailing map my ship was outside the ring at the cove where it should be, but it would not Direct Sail since it was locked inside the ring. TAB no longer responded in direct sailing map.

I downloaded several more times to see if it was a transmission error but got the same results. Where did you get the download you are using? Have you tried downloading from the web page link and installing to verify the code is not corrupted? If you have a different download link please let me know so I can use it since it seems to be valid and working.

I've just tried replacing the Program module with the recent 2019 release Program but it is incompatible with the current version architecture and does not function past the Start episode.

My best guess is that the linked version has been corrupted or is being corrupted by the download. Your trying it will indicate which. If you have
time and curiosity to troubleshoot this problem give it a try and let me know the result. My multiple downloads have all resulted in the same unplayable result. My internal resetting of controls gave no result. I even went back to settings and did a restore original settings with no change. Anything else I can try?

Thanks Mate!
Do you change any of the Internal Settings after downloading and installing? I'm Playing out-of-the-box and getting much different performance.

Yes, I made changes to remove features I don't need/use and those that I found overboard in action. Went back and reset to original with no change in result.

Any chance your Out-of-the-Box link is available? Was it the same link as on the webpage?
One issue I found when moving the v19 Program into the stalled game is that all saves were marked "incompatible"... Must have been a very substantial change to not recognize the Akella folder in the target game folder by the installer and the fact the saved games are incompatible with the previously working Program Folder function.
I have the original Akella/Bethesda 2 CD version of the stock game. That runs for me under Windows 7. I've installed it and keep a copy of this original game. When I want to reinstall Build 14, I start by copying the stock game folder into a new folder, then install Build 14 onto that.

I downloaded the Build 14 Installation Wizard and Contents Archive from the links in the first post of this thread a couple of years ago. They have not changed since. I'm responsible for the Post 1st January 2022 Update, so I don't download it except to check that it matches what I upload.

If you copy an obsolete version of the Build Mod over your existing install, it will indeed not recognise saved games. This is because things have changed during the development of the Build Mod which prevent earlier saves from working. It's possible to edit "PROGRAM\globals.c" to change the version number so that it will recognise your saved game, and then you'll have even more problems than you have now. One particularly nasty bug that can happen if you do this is that the game may appear to work, but it will crash next time you try to save.
Much different than my experience trying to run my original Akella 2CD game. I get the MS message that the program is "Incompatible" Have you blocked the MS security upgrades that were "pushed" onto my computer through Edge? How long ago did you run your download from the CDs? Have you tried recently? These issues have appeared only recently (past month or two), never seen these before. I also get a block on downloading exe files from sites with no security certificate, such as Pirates, which can only be overridden by going through a series of steps saying I trust this site and accept responsibility... even then one download was in a CRDOWNLOAD format that is not an executable format and MS does not inform how to recover the exe form for use. MS EDGE has adopted Chrome as the format for their browser and it's problematic. I've had to use Opera to download .exe files without the problems described with Edge. If you are using Firefox you are not experiencing the issues of MS Edge/Chrome. The use of a working Program from an earlier version, assuming the Program file was not grossly modified in the revision to v22, was an experiment to try to regain a working game. This trial proved that the Program has been altered and is not compatible with the current Program. Obviously, the version has been modified so it's not "back" compatible with all previous versions. I'm puzzled why your download was not a problem with the same Win7Pro OS I'm using. timing might be the issue. Did you try the experiment of doing a new download from the link in the webpage I used to rule out corruption of the source file? If the problem is caused by MS alterations by security changes, then it's probably browser effects. You use Firefox... my next trial will be to download, install and use Firefox duplicating your install. Perhaps I will even be able to read the Akella CDs? Has anyone else running MS Edge browser made similar complaints? I see no user complaints posted in any forum. Are you aware of anyone else using this v22 download not being able to get a working game? Maybe others are having the same problems but not trying to resolve the issues? BTW the diagnostic use of "O" in the settings listing has never worked for me. Is it actually usable and active or is it a dead-end remnant that has not been culled? In all past versions the presence of the original game folder in the target installation folder has resulted in a working still "buggy" game. Why does that not work in this v22 install? That bothers me that the installation has changed so much. All the files in that folder were installed in the target game folder which the installer accepted. None of those files should create these issues, same files as before, so why the dramatic change in the resulting unplayable game? Is my situation unique? No other complaints? I need information to diagnose the source of this issue. Is the installation not compatible with Edge? If so then an advisory needs to accompany this revision. My QC/QA training and instincts drive me to solve this inconsistency with all previous installation results... What has changed that prevents a good install? Compelling question for me! I appreciate all the assistance I can get to get an answer. I believe this should not be happening and am driven to learn why. Makes sense?
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Much different than my experience trying to run my original Akella 2CD game. I get the MS message that the program is "Incompatible" Have you blocked the MS security upgrades that were "pushed" onto my computer through Edge? How long ago did you run your download from the CDs? Have you tried recently? These issues have appeared only recently (past month or two), never seen these before. I also get a block on downloading exe files from sites with no security certificate, such as Pirates, which can only be overridden by going through a series of steps saying I trust this site and accept responsibility... even then one download was in a CRDOWNLAD format that is not an executable format and MS does not inform how to recover the exe form for use. MS EDGE has adopted Chrome as the format for their browser and it's problematic. I've had to use Opera to download .exe files without the problems described with Edge. If you are using Firefox you are not experiencing the issues of MS Edge/Chrome. The use of a working Program from an earlier version, assuming the Program file was not grossly modified in the revision to v22, was an experiment to try to regain a working game. This trial proved that the Program has been altered and is not compatible with the current Program. Obviously, the version has been modified so it's not "back" compatible with all previous versions. I'm puzzled why your download was not a problem with the same Win7Pro OS I'm using. timing might be the issue. Did you try the experiment of doing a new download from the link in the webpage I used to rule out corruption of the source file? If the problem is caused by MS alterations by security changes, then it's probably browser effects. You use Firefox... my next trial will be to download, install and use Firefox duplicating your install. Perhaps I will even be able to read the Akella CDs? Has anyone else running MS Edge browser made similar complaints? I see no user complaints posted in any forum. Are you aware of anyone else using this v22 download not being able to get a working game? Maybe others are having the same problems but not trying to resolve the issues? BTW the diagnostic use of "O" in the settings listing has never worked for me. Is it actually usable and active or is it a dead-end remnant that has not been culled? In all past versions the presence of the original game folder in the target installation folder has resulted in a working still "buggy" game. Why does that not work in this v22 install? That bothers me that the installation has changed so much. All the files in that folder were installed in the target game folder which the installer accepted. None of those files should create these issues, same files as before, so why the dramatic change in the resulting unplayable game? Is my situation unique? No other complaints? I need information to diagnose the source of this issue. Is the installation not compatible with Edge? If so then an advisory needs to accompany this revision. My QC/QA training and instincts drive me to solve this inconsistency with all previous installation results... What has changed that prevents a good install? Compelling question for me! I appreciate all the assistance I can get to get an answer. I believe this should not be happening and am driven to learn why. Makes sense?
I recently also tried to download the English version to check if it works. Downloaded from here:
As a result, it wrote to me that the version is not compatible, but I have Windows 10 and a Russian system.
Now I'm using the Russian version for New Horizons and there seem to be no problems.
If necessary, I can attach a torrent file or completely upload my game files through an exchanger.
I have the original Akella/Bethesda 2 CD version of the stock game. That runs for me under Windows 7. I've installed it and keep a copy of this original game. When I want to reinstall Build 14, I start by copying the stock game folder into a new folder, then install Build 14 onto that.

I downloaded the Build 14 Installation Wizard and Contents Archive from the links in the first post of this thread a couple of years ago. They have not changed since. I'm responsible for the Post 1st January 2022 Update, so I don't download it except to check that it matches what I upload.

If you copy an obsolete version of the Build Mod over your existing install, it will indeed not recognise saved games. This is because things have changed during the development of the Build Mod which prevent earlier saves from working. It's possible to edit "PROGRAM\globals.c" to change the version number so that it will recognise your saved game, and then you'll have even more problems than you have now. One particularly nasty bug that can happen if you do this is that the game may appear to work, but it will crash next time you try to save.
I have the original Akella/Bethesda 2 CD version of the stock game. That runs for me under Windows 7. I've installed it and keep a copy of this original game. When I want to reinstall Build 14, I start by copying the stock game folder into a new folder, then install Build 14 onto that.

I downloaded the Build 14 Installation Wizard and Contents Archive from the links in the first post of this thread a couple of years ago. They have not changed since. I'm responsible for the Post 1st January 2022 Update, so I don't download it except to check that it matches what I upload.

If you copy an obsolete version of the Build Mod over your existing install, it will indeed not recognise saved games. This is because things have changed during the development of the Build Mod which prevent earlier saves from working. It's possible to edit "PROGRAM\globals.c" to change the version number so that it will recognise your saved game, and then you'll have even more problems than you have now. One particularly nasty bug that can happen if you do this is that the game may appear to work, but it will crash next time you try to save.
I have already written about the game crush that occurs when merchant ships are accidentally captured by officer.
In tales of hawk
Did someone catch it?
This didn't seem to happen in older builds.
In over a week I downloaded at least 12 times using the link from the PA! webpage with the same result. Since MS Windows security blocks any .exe file from an un-certified site it would not allow that file to be executed until I went through a several step process of vouching for the website as trust worthy, and opened the file. I downloaded the .tar and the installer. Reader the instructions, got out my Akella/Bethesda 2 CD original 2003 and tried to open it in my CD drive but my MS Win7Pro updated OS refused saying the disk was "incompatible"! My option was to go in previous installs, copy the Akella file that had enabled downloading/installation and placed it into the target file alone. When I started the installer it asked for the file to install into. When I selected the folder with the Akella folder in it the installer could not find the original game and shutdown. I then copied the files from the folder into the target game folder. When I directed installer to this it identified the game and did the installation. When I installed I went through the setup ritual and settings as I had previously. What resulted would not perform as all prior games and showed bizarre situations that were not consistent with previous play. The direct sail to Antigua worked but my direct sail to the cove outside failed. While my ship on the map showed inside the ring across the land barrier, when I changed to sailing map my ship was outside the ring at the cove where it should be, but it would not Direct Sail since it was locked inside the ring. TAB no longer responded in direct sailing map.

I downloaded several more times to see if it was a transmission error but got the same results. Where did you get the download you are using? Have you tried downloading from the web page link and installing to verify the code is not corrupted? If you have a different download link please let me know so I can use it since it seems to be valid and working.

I've just tried replacing the Program module with the recent 2019 release Program but it is incompatible with the current version architecture and does not function past the Start episode.

My best guess is that the linked version has been corrupted or is being corrupted by the download. Your trying it will indicate which. If you have
time and curiosity to troubleshoot this problem give it a try and let me know the result. My multiple downloads have all resulted in the same unplayable result. My internal resetting of controls gave no result. I even went back to settings and did a restore original settings with no change. Anything else I can try?

Thanks Mate!
Following your endorsement of Firefox (used it years ago then Opera and EDGE when it came out) I've coupled it with DuckDuckGo and find it's faster to bootup, doesn't block .exe files and not as neurotic as Edge when visiting uncertified site such as PA! and downloading from such sites. With the add-on DDG I'm now using that... thanks for the tip!)

I reinstalled the game. Now the unique sword in the cave at Caiman kai is gone, just a hunting sword?
The special sword was never in that cave. Try landing at Sand Bluff. You need to go from there, through one jungle location and into another. Then you need to search around until you find the trapdoor to the cave.
The same cave is sometimes used for a treasure quest:
Lost Treasure on Cayman (Sand Bluff)

But if that treasure quest is active, you will not find the sword. Treasure quests temporarily clear all items from their locations. So if you have a treasure quest to Sand Bluff, you'll first need to find the trapdoor; find the hidden chest, which may be empty; exit to the place with the house; then return to the jungle and find the trapdoor again.
The special sword was never in that cave. Try landing at Sand Bluff. You need to go from there, through one jungle location and into another. Then you need to search around until you find the trapdoor to the cave.
The same cave is sometimes used for a treasure quest:
Lost Treasure on Cayman (Sand Bluff)

But if that treasure quest is active, you will not find the sword. Treasure quests temporarily clear all items from their locations. So if you have a treasure quest to Sand Bluff, you'll first need to find the trapdoor; find the hidden chest, which may be empty; exit to the place with the house; then return to the jungle and find the trapdoor again.
Ah! :facepalm:pirate07:
But the cave at cayman kai is also used to a treasure quest, if the quest is inactive there used to be a blade 32.
When was that? I'm looking at the files from the ancient Beta 3, dating back to 2013, and even there the cave near Cayman Kai has the hunting sword, "blade36". The one at Sand Bluff had the shellcup falchion, "bladeC18", before I replaced it with the unique "Sword of the Earth" ("blade308").

"Blade32" is the Damascus shamshir, which you'll earn by getting a Portuguese LoM (or starting a FreePlay as a Portuguese naval officer) and being promoted up to rank 8.
Im always updated. The last couple of months I have had Blade 32 in the Caiman Kai cave. Maybe I made a mess in the internalsettings, so I will forget about the problem. Then I installed Chrome,a lot of strange things happened, has anybody experienced that?