A random question, more out of curiosity than anything. I was just woundering which canon type you used and why.
I tend to buy canon's rather than culverin's because i would rather have the power of the shot as a pose to the range on my side, also it takes less time to reload the canon's and the shot types weigh less than those for the culverin's. While on small ships i like to have the range on my side because that way i can hit and run or as most often is the case be hitting whilst on the run, but in ships from class 4 upwards i only use canon's.
So like the question states which canon type do you use and why?
I tend to buy canon's rather than culverin's because i would rather have the power of the shot as a pose to the range on my side, also it takes less time to reload the canon's and the shot types weigh less than those for the culverin's. While on small ships i like to have the range on my side because that way i can hit and run or as most often is the case be hitting whilst on the run, but in ships from class 4 upwards i only use canon's.
So like the question states which canon type do you use and why?