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Fixed Sea Relations: Friendly Fire After Loading Save At Sea


Powder Monkey
Build 14 Beta 3.3 (Or 3.4... Whichever was released on Jan 19, since I got the game well after that. Menu still says 3.3)

Have a bug where upon loading a game saved while in Sail mode, any ships in my fleet that are not of the same design (nationality-wise) begin firing on each other. Have confirmed that even my Portuguese and Dutch ship-types will shoot at one another despite their respective nations being Neutral. When my ships are of the same nationality, however, this IFF issue does not occur.

Attached are logs if needed. I can't figure out how to upload a save-game. It was to a profile other than "Player" and now the only file I see in the folder is one with the "Player" profile-tag from the start of the game that persists despite my deleting it in-game. Too worried I will lose all data if said file is deleted from folder, as there are no other save-games present and I can't find the real ones in any of the other SAVE\ folders either.


  • cerdocklogs.rar
    4.3 KB · Views: 105
Are you sure that is based on the ships' design nationality!?!? :shock
I am not -certain- but what brought up that particular theory was that my 2 Dutch ships would not fire on one another when I tested it with just the 2 of them out there. (I was in a Portuguese ship at the time, they don't fire at me, just eachother... When I switch into one of their ships, save the game, and load into the Sail mode, however, they go at eachother) I tested it with Pirate design, Portuguese, Dutch, and English type ships cross-tested. I have not yet tested duplicates of some of those designs to see if they are friendly with one another. I will test it further for you and try to record some of the results but I theorize it is the nationality.
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I always figured it would be related to whatever flag you were flying before making the same.
And that the game doesn't properly reload the relations after such a Save At Sea.
Confirmed Portuguese, English, and Dutch have no friendly fire when they are all of the same design.

Edit: Confirmed France and Spain also. Seems to be the design. Will begin cross-testing
After a lot of testing (I did remember to stock each new ship with some cannonballs and gunpowder) You are right, it is not just nationality but it seems certain ships just won't play well with eachother. My Portuguese Raa and Dutch Heavy Brig just won't get a long, and they aren't the only friendly fire incident I've had while playing the game. But I can't seem to consistently re-create the drama based just on ship nationality.

Edit: Okay my Portuguese Raa hates all Dutch ships. It has personally fired on 3 different ones now. Spieg, Heavy Brig, and another Frigate.

Edit2: Bought a different Portuguese design. Still hates the Dutch.
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Perhaps it is the nationality of the captains?
Though I thought those are supposed to follow the player nationality.
I don't believe that fits because I use the same captains each time and sometimes there are no incidents. It seems I can only consistently re-create friendly fights between Portuguese and Dutch built ships.
Very surprising. I wonder if anyone else can replicate that correlation.
I didn't think ship nationality had much influence other than on the initial stats. It isn't supposed to at least.
Would explain why this particular issue has proven so inconsistent though.
I want to test the Captain thing further. One guy seems to always be involved in the fighting when it does occur. How do you check nationality of captains?
You'd have to use console, but I can't really give you the details until perhaps Tuesday evening.
I don't know the coder way but pressing "O" while facing him\her should give you the nationality.
You were right! I have what seems to be video evidence that the Captains are the culprit. It seems that the times they did not fire, (leading to my dismissal of that as the issue) they likely were just not aligned to do so. I will be uploading the videos to youtube and posting the links here for you.

Also the last video is cut short by a CTD that occurs consistently when trying to change captains in the dock of Sao Jorge. I also cannot fast travel in this area because it says "Something is going to happen here."
I don't know the coder way but pressing "O" while facing him\her should give you the nationality.
Ah, good point! Forgot about that.

Probably doesn't work with captains though, since they generally don't follow you ashore.

Executing this code through PROGRAM\console.c might help too:
  ch = GetCharacter(GetCompanionIndex(PChar, sti(1));
   Logit( GetMyFullName(ch) + " nation = " + GetNationIDByType(sti(ch.nation)) );
   ch = GetCharacter(GetCompanionIndex(PChar, sti(2));
   Logit( GetMyFullName(ch) + " nation = " + GetNationIDByType(sti(ch.nation)) );
   ch = GetCharacter(GetCompanionIndex(PChar, sti(3));
   Logit( GetMyFullName(ch) + " nation = " + GetNationIDByType(sti(ch.nation)) );
Also the last video is cut short by a CTD that occurs consistently when trying to change captains in the dock of Sao Jorge. I also cannot fast travel in this area because it says "Something is going to happen here."
Which modpack version is that? If Beta 3.4 or more recent, please provide a savegame.
Sorry for 30 second increments. Used free Fraps. They are on a playlist together though and should play consecutively. Part 5 may still be in the process of uploading while I post this but it will be up on the same playlist shortly.


Part 1: Shows captain Gerald Bridges fighting friendly captains

Part 2: Shows that when Rys Bloom replaces Gerald Bridges, there are no issues.

Part 3: Shows that when Nicabar Volonte replaces Rys Bloom, there are still no issues. (Used different save file with additional ship for more testing)

Part 4: Shows that when Gerald Bridges replaces Nicabar Volonte, fighting resumes. (Used the same 4-ship save file once again. Same result.)

Part 5: Shows that when trying to switch captains in the port of Sao Jorge, the game crashes to desktop. (Happens no matter how many times I replicate)

Which modpack version is that? If Beta 3.4 or more recent, please provide a savegame.

It is 3.4, but as I said I can't find my save games. I removed (cut/pasted to desktop) the SAVE folder completely from the game directory to see what would happen. All my saves are still present in-game except the annoying one that persisted. No idea where they are being kept.


  • Cerdocklogs.rar
    49.4 KB · Views: 93
The saves ARE in the "SAVE" folder. If you deleted that whole folder and the game still sees them, there are a few things I can think of:
- You have your game in Program Files and Windows is feeling particularly insane
- You have two copies of the game installed, one that you are playing from and a different one that you're looking at (has been known to happen before.... :facepalm )
How do I execute that code, just save it in the text file somewhere? Sorry, really noob-ish about that sort of stuff.
Open PROGRAM\console.c and find:
void ExecuteConsole()
   ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
   ref ch;
   int i;
   int limit;
Add the code below, save the file, load your savegame and press F12 to execute it.