This is the relevant section of code from initItems.c:
I have already made some slight changes there. Minlevel 99 is to prevent these items from showing up at random.
If I recall, any items with price=0 are treated pretty much as quest items. Solution would be to put real numbers in there instead.
In the above example, I changed the "LongRifle_BT" to have a price of 9999 which is quite a lot because it is a very special pistol.
Not sure if the "LongRifle_C" variations and the "telescope" should be sell-able though. Once you sell them, you'll never find any other in the game.
We should be able to give them a price of "1" though and set skipsell to true for them. That might be an idea.
I have also set skipequip to true for the "telescope" to avoid the auto-equip functionality from using it, which is rather pointless.
At the moment the two Merchant Letters are quest items you can't get rid of:
Of course you DO need to carry them to have the intended effect, so I'm not sure why you would WANT to get rid of them.
But if desired, they can be changed to OBJECT_ITEM_TYPE and given a price so you can sell them again if you wish.
Is that worth it?
n = InitGun(n,"LongRifle_C", "LongRifle_C_back", "BOP2",11,0.00,99, 0, 50.0,150.0, 20, 1, 30, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium2.wav","pb2", 1, PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC); // JRH: Long Rifle for All Storylines
n = InitGun(n,"LongRifle_CT","LongRifle_CT_back","BOP2",12,0.00,99, 0,150.0,250.0, 80, 1, 30, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium2.wav","pb2", 1, PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC); // JRH: Long Rifle for All Storylines, with telescope
n = InitGun(n,"telescope", "", "BOP2", 9,0.00,99, 0,150.0,250.0, 80, 1, 30, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium2.wav", "", 1, PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC); // JRH: Telescope
n = InitGun(n,"LongRifle_BT","LongRifle_BT_back","BOP2",10,0.00,99,9999,150.0,250.0, 80, 1, 1, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium2.wav", "", 1, PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC); // JRH: Custom quest musket for BOP, with telescope
n = InitGun(n,"LongRifle_W", "LongRifle_W_back", "BOP2", 7,0.00,99, 0,150.0,250.0, 80, 1, 30, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium2.wav", "pb2", 1, PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC); // JRH: Custom quest musket for WR
n = InitGun(n,"LongRifle_WT","LongRifle_WT_back","BOP2", 8,0.00,99, 0,150.0,250.0, 80, 1, 30, "", "OBJECTS\DUEL\pistol_medium2.wav", "pb2", 1, PERIOD_EARLY_EXPLORERS, PERIOD_NAPOLEONIC); // JRH: Custom quest musket for WR, with telescope
If I recall, any items with price=0 are treated pretty much as quest items. Solution would be to put real numbers in there instead.
In the above example, I changed the "LongRifle_BT" to have a price of 9999 which is quite a lot because it is a very special pistol.
Not sure if the "LongRifle_C" variations and the "telescope" should be sell-able though. Once you sell them, you'll never find any other in the game.
We should be able to give them a price of "1" though and set skipsell to true for them. That might be an idea.
I have also set skipequip to true for the "telescope" to avoid the auto-equip functionality from using it, which is rather pointless.
At the moment the two Merchant Letters are quest items you can't get rid of:
n = InitQuestItem(n,"EITC_Passport", "EITC_Passport", "", 4, 13, 0,0, "","", "","", "","","" ); // PB: For player types
n = InitQuestItem(n,"WIC_Passport", "WIC_Passport", "", 4, 13, 0,0, "","", "","", "","","" ); // PB: For player types
But if desired, they can be changed to OBJECT_ITEM_TYPE and given a price so you can sell them again if you wish.
Is that worth it?