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Fixed Danielle: Empty dialog box.


Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
Danielle still have this empty dialog box when you go to shore at the lighthouse bay,
just before you are going to Brighttown to set Clements free. Dont do any harm but
its not looking good. Maybe she should say something like:" Glad to see you, something
is very wrong at Clements house"
PS That is nice Silehard now gives you a LOM, and you rank now is restored at the ending :)


  • -=Player=- Barbados. Barbados lighthouse. June 23rd, 1751.zip
    968.8 KB · Views: 177
Danielle still have this empty dialog box when you go to shore at the lighthouse bay,
just before you are going to Brighttown to set Clements free. Dont do any harm but
its not looking good. Maybe she should say something like:" Glad to see you, something
is very wrong at Clements house"
What is Danielle's purpose standing around there?

You have any log files from that playthrough?
From the walkthrough:
Sail to Lighthouse Bay, Barbados

"Go to Lighthouse – Enter - Automatically walk to Soldier- he talks to you – Fight –Quest book Update

( In Lighthouse search for best Spyglass in game – go up stairs ¾ way & across plank to landing – then jump down 2 levels – on window ledge is Excellent Spyglass – then jump down to floor)

Exit Lighthouse – Danielle walks up and talks to you - Q Book Update

CHOICES in Danielle's dialog


Return to your ships - and go and get bigger ships if needed - then sail back to Lighthouse Bay, Barbados - Talk to Danielle - if NOT ready say so ( go and do what you need - when ready go back to Lighthouse Bay and tell Danielle that you are ready to Attack now) - if ready say so - Attack Now - Transported to Ship - and Ship transported to Bridgetown Fort - Fort Fires on you - Attack Fort"

But Danielle is already standing at the shore when you arrives.
Maybee we just should delete that dialog box? No reason for it to be there.
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Isent those lines a little odd ( line 252-253-254):
"It looks like we'll have to free ",
" from #sGreenford#'s prison.",
I think this could be the missing dialogs?
Isn't that the point where you're supposed to be able to tell her whether to go by land or sea?
But there IS dialog for that, no?
Isn't that the point where you're supposed to be able to tell her whether to go by land or sea?
But there IS dialog for that, no?
Yes there is, I was to fast. I think the problem is she standing ahead of you when you arrives.
Thaths why I suggested this dialog:
Maybe she should say something like:" Glad to see you, something
is very wrong at Clements house"
This is the bit in Danielle's dialog where you start the attack on Bridgetown fort ( transported to ship - ship transported to Bridgetown Fort - fort fires on player - Capture of Bridgetown )

The dialog should either start this - by transporting player to ship etc. OR give the player the chance to go and do other things e.g. get better ship for the attack.
So there should be some dialog there.

@ANSEL - after talking to Danielle are you transported to your ship & your ship transported to Bridgetown Fort ( and it start firing on you ) to attack the and capture Bridgetown?

it is this dialog in danielle.c

    case "CaptureGreenford":
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[250] + GetMyName(&Characters[GetCharacterIndex(DLG_TEXT[251])]) + DLG_TEXT[252];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[253];
       Link.l1.go = "CaptureGreenford_1";

     case "CaptureGreenford_1":
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[254];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[255];
       Link.l1.go = "CaptureGreenford_2";

     case "CaptureGreenford_2":
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[256];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[257];
       Link.l1.go = "CaptureGreenford_3";

     case "CaptureGreenford_3":
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[258];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[259];
       Link.l1.go = "CaptureGreenford_4";

     case "CaptureGreenford_4":
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[260];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[261];
       Link.l1.go = "CaptureGreenford_5";

     case "CaptureGreenford_5":
       NextDiag.TempNode = "GoToShip";
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[262];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[263];
       Link.l1.go = "CaptureGreenford_exit";
       Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[264];
       Link.l2.go = "We_Are_ready_exit";

     case "CaptureGreenford_5":
       NextDiag.TempNode = "KickTheAss";
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[265];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[266];
       Link.l1.go = "We_Are_ready_exit";
       Link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[267];
       Link.l2.go = "CaptureGreenford_exit";

     case "KickTheAss":
       NextDiag.TempNode = "KickTheAss";
       Dialog.Text = DLG_TEXT[268];
       Link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[269];
       Link.l1.go = "Exit";


  case "We_Are_ready_exit":
       EndQuestMovie();TrackQuestMovie("end","danielle_dialog.c -> We_Are_ready_exit");
       NextDiag.CurrentNode = NextDiag.TempNode;
       AddQuestRecord("Capture_greenford", 2);


     case "CaptureGreenford_exit":
       AddQuestRecord("Capture_greenford", 1);

       Pchar.quest.Story_PrepareToSiegeGreenford.win_condition.l1 = "location";
       Pchar.quest.Story_PrepareToSiegeGreenford.win_condition.l1.location = "Oxbay";
       Pchar.quest.Story_PrepareToSiegeGreenford.win_condition = "Story_PrepareToSiegeGreenford";
       Pchar.quest.Story_PrepareToSiegeGreenford.fail_condition = "Story_PrepareToSiegeGreenford";

       NextDiag.CurrentNode = NextDiag.TempNode;

the dialog is

"It looks like we'll have to free ",
" from #sGreenford#'s prison.",
"Yes. Or find someone else who can read the legend.",
"I don't think we'll find another man with his education in a million years. Not on these islands!",
"So what do you suggest? We just sneak into town and storm the prison?",
"Why sneak into town when we can capture it?",
"Capture it?! Have you lost your mind?",
"Not at all. You hit the fort from the sea, and I'll take my crew through the jungle and attack from land. They'll never know what hit them!",
"I'm sure it sounds easy to you. You don't have to attack the fort!",
"Would you rather slog through a jungle teeming with poisonous vermin? No problem - I'll trade with you in a heartbeat!",
"No, no. That wouldn't be...fair to you. I'll stick with the sea.",
"I thought you'd see it my way. We'll need some time to plan the assault - it won't be a cakewalk. When we're ready, you can put me and my crew ashore at the lighthouse.",
"Right. Let's get back to the ship.",
"Why waste time? Let's attack now, before we have a chance to change our minds!",
"Are you sure? We'll be fighting soldiers this time around, not some fat trader's crew!",
"We have plenty of manpower to capture the colony!",
"Well, maybe we should take some time to prepare.",
"I'd just about give my sword arm to see the governor's face when he hears about this!",


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@Talisman I will not get frustrated
I will be more patient
I will watch my blood pressure
Yes I know that, everything is working alright except Danielles empty dialog box
when you arrives to the lighthouse bay. I gave you the problem and the savegame,
what more could I do? Right now Im loosing my temper and the blood pressure
is going very high! Sorry to say it, but it feels good now I have done it:aar
@Talisman Sorry it was you that heard those words first, its certainly not pointed
to you. You have my greatest respect.:cheers
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OK I will try, for the last time, to explain whats happen. When you arrives to the lighthouse shore,
the first thing you see is Danielle walking up to you, and then she have an empty dialog box. This
happens before you are going in to the lighthouse, when you are coming out after killing the soldiers
everything is just working fine. As I say the empty dialog box will do no harm to the storyline, its
just look no good to have such a thing in the game.:(
@Talisman Sorry it was you that heard those words first, its certainly not pointed
to you. You have my greatest respect.:cheers

No problem - sometimes the game and its strange ways can be very frustrating:mad: and annoying. :yes

I now understand what you mean ( played through from your Save ) - the empty dialog box happens if you talk to Dannielle immediately after you land at the Lighthouse ( right after you load the Save). :yes And before you enter the Lighthouse & are attacked by the soldiers. She is walking up to you slightly because she is set by the quest as the "officer" who is with you when you go ashore., so she spawns next to the player.

The game (quest ) is assuming that the player will go straight to the Lighthouse to find Clement, so there is nothing for Danielle to say - unless some dialog is added for her to say something like "Right here we are - lets see if Clement is in his Lighthouse" :shrug

At the moment
I think that this is a general "game mechanic" for NPCs.
It happens when you talk to any NPC that you can normally have dialog with in the game, at a point ( or situation in the game ) where they have nothing to say.
So you get the dialog box with the .... (dots ) or a default dialog - it is usually controlled by case "First time": in the character's dialog.c file.
For Danielle this gives the text lines

Since I think it is a general "game mechanic" for NPCs - I am not sure the dialog box can be removed ( or at least it may not be simple to do so ).:read




could always be replaced with some general text e.g " Come on, lets get on with this - not scared are you Nathaniel " - but it would have to be general enough to cover any situation where the player activated the dialog box when there was nothing specific for her to say.

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@ANSEL: Please don't get angry about my questions. I'm not intricately familiar with the quest and was trying to get it straight in my head.
Indeed those lines are just Danielle's default dialog for when she's got nothing better to say:
string DLG_TEXT[549] = {
A lot more characters have that.

Those dots are admittedly a bit too boring. How's this?
@ANSEL: Please don't get angry about my questions. I'm not intricately familiar with the quest and was trying to get it straight in my head.
Sorry I lost my temper( first time in years). I have been playing this storyline since Build 11 ( I was one of those only reading members
Keith deleted in 2013) so I know this storyline inside out. Like in the game I ask for forgiveness :rolleyes: