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Need Help Bad save - saves gets corrupted

Stede Bonnet

I'm a huge fan of ye' oldie Pirates of the Caribbean game, and recently decided to install it again and experience the greatness anew.
Game installed okay on my 3rd harddrive, and I was all set.

I escaped Oxbay, and arrived at Redmond to alert the governor.
I decided to enter the menu screen and save the game.
When I later died, the load menu option was greyed out.
"Weird" I thought, and started a new game.

I quickly decided to create a new save, and there it was!
"Bad save", location: Redmond.

I have tried every single compatability mode for Windows, but to no avail!
I am naturally also running in Administrator mode every attempt.

Though I usually don't mind a challenge, a "1-day no deaths" run isn't quite the experience I was looking for.

Any thoughts or ideas on how to fix the "Bad save" issue would be greatly appreciated <3
I have attached a ZIP of all saves I've created. Some are good, some are "Bad save".
A good save can become a "Bad save" at any time.
Rarely have I experienced that a "Bad save" becomes a "good save" after many attempts at saving the game.

System specs:
- Windows 10 (with all Windows Updates)
- Nvidia GTX 1070
- Intel i5 7400 CPU


  • SAVE.zip
    2.1 MB · Views: 133
Welcome aboard @Stede Bonnet! :cheers

Where have you installed the game?
If it is on program files move it somewhere else.

Hi, thanks for the reply!
I originally installed it in F:/Program Files/Pirates of the Caribbean/.
I have Windows installed on my C: drive. The F: drive was added a year ago, and Windows have no more rights or restrictions to that folder than it should any other folder called "abc" or such.

I have also tried reisntalling to C:/Games/Pirates of the Caribbean/ just to be safe, but the error still presists, sadly....
Not sure what to do then unfortunately.

Maybe try out New Horizons?
I think it is more stable in his regard.
Plus it has many other improvements.
Not sure what to do then unfortunately.

Maybe try out New Horizons?
I think it is more stable in his regard.
Plus it has many other improvements.
I just installed New Horizons, and sadly it did not fix this annoying bug.
Does God hate me enough to prevent my saves from functioning?
Is there no end to this nightmare?
I just want to be able to play through good old memories and save once in a while... :(

Any help or other tips is greatly appreciated <3

EDIT: screendump of error
Error.log gives me this text:

RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\interface.c; line: 1599
no memory
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\save_load.c; line: 1044
no memory
RUNTIME ERROR - file: interface\interface.c; line: 1599
no memory

Maybe it has something to do with everything?
Uploading error.log, compile.log and system.log, maybe they can provide a clue?


  • compile.log
    8.3 KB · Views: 139
  • error.log
    204 bytes · Views: 143
  • system.log
    651 bytes · Views: 136
That would be my thought too.

Do you have enough HD space; and RAM memory?
I'd be surprised if you didn't, but you never do know... :confused:

393 GB of space on the disc, which is two M.2 SSD's of 512 GB in RAID0 (striped).
I have 16 GB of RAM, with 58% available when the game is running... So plenty of read/write and RAM memory...
I had some success with setting "memory_stats = 1" and "update_mem_profile = 1" in the engine.ini file, but after I popped in the "post_25May_updates_130121" update, the settings I mentioned lost their effect.
I'm running out of things to try, but I really enjoy this game, and I really really want to be able to play it again :/
There is indeed a slightly different version of "engine.ini" in the update which will overwrite the one which you edited. See what happens if you edit it again and make the same changes.
@The Nameless Pirate, @Pieter Boelen
Some interesting development:

In the engine.ini file I made the following changes:
debuginfo = 1
codefiles = 1
runtimelog = 1
tracefiles = 1

memory_stats = 1
update_mem_profile = 1

I also ran ENGINE.exe in compatability mode for Windows 98 / Windows ME.

This has corrected the bad memory I was getting for the original game unmodded.
I then applied the same changes to the version installed WITH the New Horizons mod (and latest patch), but I still experience the "Bad Save" issue there.

I consider myself lucky that I'm at least able to play the unmodded game, however I really would like to be able to save games with New Horizons too...