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Recent content by DasKapitalist

  1. D

    Solved Store/Shipyard Treatment of Enemy Players

    If someoine else ever has the problem: I fixed it by buying a Dutch Letter Of Marque and hoisting my own flag.
  2. D

    Annoying problem at shipyard

    But it doesn't seem to take officers into account. At least my 8 commerce Quartermaster is no use. (I myself have only 3 commerce)
  3. D

    Solved Store/Shipyard Treatment of Enemy Players

    I've tried all flags except Pirate and it's no use. My reputation is Swindler so not very good, but they actually cease trading completely? :( I thought it would effect those cargo transport/escort quests.
  4. D

    Solved Store/Shipyard Treatment of Enemy Players

    The shop-owner in Conceicao continuously throws me out and threatens to call the guard. Have I done anything wrong? I'm not an enemy of the Portugese. Note: I'm now playing Build 13, since Build 14 Beta was a bit too Beta for my tastes...
  5. D

    Direct Sailing: No Day-Night Circle?

    I do get this Land Ho! screen. But in Willemstad I get Greenford and Conceicao loading screens. Is the Willemstad tavern the one in the Conceicao area left to the entrance gate? I also can't ask anyone for the way since everyone wants to sell me some secret for tens of thousands of gold or...
  6. D

    Direct Sailing: No Day-Night Circle?

    Well then I wish you good luck figuring out a better solution in the future :) But now I have another problem: After I finally managed to Direct Sail to Willemstad (The City has no 'model' on the island?) I can't enter the tavern for some reason, there is simply no door symbol coming up and...
  7. D

    Direct Sailing: No Day-Night Circle?

    Hello Pirates Ahoy Commuity :) Well, as the Topic says I don't get a Day-Night Circle during Direct Sailing. This of course kills a lot of the realism of it. :( I DO get changes between day and night but not everyday. Instead I get multiple days long polar nights until it's finally dawn again...