• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. O

    Captive Captains in Cargo Hold Bug

    So every time I fast travel or just continue on to the cargo hold the same captains that I have already um "dealt with" :walkplank are there still but with randomized names. I can't interact with them and if I attack them I automatically enter into combat and any companions with me at the time...
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    The Saga of the Blonque Family

    So, I've gotten to the part in the quest after you help the girl (yay) and it says in the quest log "Now where was that ship heading again" or some such like that. I have gone to Kingston on Jamaica (where he was headed) and that is where I'm stuck. Any help is much appreciated. :dunno
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    Solved Can't use grenades

    I have grenades in my inventory and can't throw them in land battles. Also I can't figure out how to use them for ship to ship battles. It doesn't give me the option to load them as an ammo type. Do I need to buy a different type of grenade from a store somewhere or what? Even tried putting...
  4. O

    Bat files not running properly

    Build 2.1 and 2.5 are downloading properly yet I can't seem to get the .bat files to run correctly. Probably stupid Microsoft security functions again but when I run the .bat for 2.1 it says it can't find the files specified multiple times then says its finished. Then when I download and run the...