• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. R

    Modifying looks of ships etc.

    The topic really says it all, at least if you read the topic description. Is it hard to modify the looks of a ship? For example if I wanted to make Black Pearl offspring, like a Xebeq in the Black Pearl style, imagine a whole fleet of the Black Pearl itself with offspring, how freakin' cool...
  2. R

    Why is everyone Neutral?!

    I'm starting to feel the urge of destroying some ships, but it's impossible when everyone is Neutral! I have picked a flag, the British, but still everyone is Neutral, and it's really starting to irritate me. Hopefully, someone here might help me with my problem. And another thing, which nation...
  3. R

    Remove captain before sale

    I just captured myself a Sloop, finally I can get rid of that awfull Lugger. Only problem is, I don't want my officer to dissappear when selling the Lugger, so I was wondering how I remove him from his rank? I tried the rebirth method, where everything was ripped of the ship except the cannons...
  4. R

    Newbie - Need some help :)

    It's been a long time since I last played POTC, but now I feel like playing it again, only now I'm going to play it with a build, build 12 that is. How is that build to play with, like the overall of the build? I've read that people play as Captain Barbossa and Jack Sparrow etc. , how can I...
  5. R

    A few questions about ships!

    Every time I start to play this game I get more addicted to it. Now I rule duelling AND dancing. My last dance was flawless, and I got the biggest heart I've ever gotten. And it wasn't a kiss on the hand after the dance, I took her in my arms and kissed her like never before. <img...
  6. R

    Build 12? A question or two..

    I am going to start playing again, and need some answers about the `Build12-thingy`. 1. Is Build12 like a `Patch-update` that also removes bugs and fixes them? I couldn't find any official patch from Ubisoft or Bethesda. 2. This is installed upon the game, I don't need any previous versions...
  7. R

    Need some help again!

    Hello again. I'm about to start a new game, but I still have one question that needs answering. When I can pick time periods, which one shall I pick and what's the difference between them? Thanks! BTW: Anyone here that would be willing to let me add one of you to MSN? Kind of like a matey...
  8. R

    First time, some questions!

    Hello! Well, I've just gotten the game and I love it. I played it for an hour, but then I stopped because there was a lot of questions going through my mind. I got a lot of answers looking around in the forum, but some remain `un-answered`. So here I go.. 1. In the options screen, you can...