• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

    Visit our website www.piratehorizons.com to quickly find download links for the newest versions of our New Horizons mods Beyond New Horizons and Maelstrom New Horizons!

Search results

  1. L

    new patch and how to get it

    Can someone PLEASE send me the new patch or show me where to get it? I tried the Playlogic site and the download is messed up. I also tried the Pirates Ahoy FTP link but that went to a dead website. Can someone please help me?
  2. L

    movie music

    There was a mod that changed the game music to the original movie music. I cant find it anywhere, can someone help me?
  3. L

    saving a game

    Im sorry if this has been discussed before but I am having a problem when determining when I can save my game. sometimes I cant save when I am in town but sometimes I can. Sometimes I cant save when I am aboard my ship (non-combat) but sometimes I can. Any ideas? Thanks.
  4. L

    2 mods

    I just got this game and so far i love it. I upgraded from the original sea dogs and am happy I did. I was wondering about how to get some mods in the game. I would really like to play as Jack Sparrow in the game so that would be mod #1. I would also like to have more sounds in the game. In the...