• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

    Visit our website www.piratehorizons.com to quickly find download links for the newest versions of our New Horizons mods Beyond New Horizons and Maelstrom New Horizons!

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  1. S

    You in Yer Garb

    I havent got any pirate clothing persay but I can often be spotted in all black clothing prominently displaying depictions of skulls and the like. I guess I look like a pirate who ended up in the 21st century, and then went shopping for casual clothes. lol. I'll try to get some pictures.
  2. S

    Puzzle Pirates

    This game is really cool. The tutorial at the beginning (sp?) was really neat, and its a really cute interesting game. I highly recommend you dload and try it!