• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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  1. jdrews

    Bug i just captured a ship and lost all sail controls

    Thanks for the quick reply. When it happened to me, clicking 'W' or 'S' or going into the Quick Action 'Enter' menu and selecting any of the sail settings did nothing. So Hylie Pistof, you must have run into a different bug. I'll keep an eye out for this bug again and report anything else I...
  2. jdrews

    Bug i just captured a ship and lost all sail controls

    Apologies for raising an old thread, but this same problem is happening to me. I captured a Tier 4 ship (I started out recently and am Level 9). After I captured it, I could not change her sails up or down. I could however, move left and right, although it was slow, probably due to no sails. I...