• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. Jams

    Solved Period Weapons

    Personally I'm in favour of having to fudge the animations with imagination rather than losing or limiting some of the best looking blades in the game. But then I am horribly biased and capable of editing it back if it is changed anyway :razz
  2. Jams

    East India Trading Company Flag.

    It's in the Program folder it's called console.c
  3. Jams

    East India Trading Company Flag.

    GiveModel2Player("Young_Beckett",true); GiveModel2Player("Cutler_Beckett",true); Add one of those lines (or both) after this code in the console.c file then just press F12 in game to activate. void ExecuteConsole() { ref pchar = GetMainCharacter(); if (!bSeaActive) ref lcn =...
  4. Jams

    East India Trading Company Flag.

    I think the Cutler model is Young_Beckett you can't get him throught the tailor in game you have to either use the console (Add this line - GiveModel2Player("Young_Beckett",true); - and hit F12 in game) or edit one of the story starts to give you that model at the beginning.
  5. Jams

    Poll What of brothels?

    Could that problem not be solved by changing their name to gentleman's club?
  6. Jams

    East India Trading Company Flag.

    The personal flags are in the resource\textures\flags folder. The flags are in period sets so perflg5.tga.tx and perpnt5.tga.tx are the latest period (you which period is which in perioids.c). I think the EITC flag is in period 4. You need to find the flag you want to use and convert the tga.tx...
  7. Jams

    Solved Period Weapons

    Parrying is about deflecting attacks not stopping them dead and a rapier can do that exceedingly well against any blade.
  8. Jams

    Poll What of brothels?

    On a vaguely related note it may be a good idea to add a bit to the description in options clarifying which can be toggled midgame and which require a new game started.
  9. Jams

    Where can I download the Flying dutchman and Endeavour?

    They're made to run on the supermod which you can download from: <a href="http://hosted.filefront.com/Cyberops" target="_blank">http://hosted.filefront.com/Cyberops</a>
  10. Jams

    Where can I download the Flying dutchman and Endeavour?

    Capt Bligh has ported over a lot of ships from POTC to AOP including the Dutchman, you can find them at Filefront: <a href="http://hosted.filefront.com/CapBligh" target="_blank">http://hosted.filefront.com/CapBligh</a>
  11. Jams

    Tailor Hotkey?

    Seeing as an entire Tailor Mod is a fairly substantial undertaking (especially from my incapable POV) would it be possible to link changing the Pchar model (and possibly fighter officers) to a hotkey?
  12. Jams


    whenever i get above lvl 35ish 90% of baddies drop bosuns choice just cos it's the best sword, sometimes you get a atwood thrown in
  13. Jams

    The build 11 and BUGS .....

    i'll second the second one of Sampow's list i've noticed i spend 2 days looking what ships are for sale.
  14. Jams

    The build 11 and BUGS .....

    i was thinking that too :yes
  15. Jams

    The build 11 and BUGS .....

    I'm not entirely sure there are any unarmed people when you attack the fort at greenford, i think pretty much everyone is out to get me then.
  16. Jams

    The build 11 and BUGS .....

    First of all much praise must be showered on any participants in PMT it's a true work of art. Just when i though i'd have to delete POTC i download this and have a whole new game to explore :cat . Just as feedback the only bug i've noticed is after the fort battle at greenford when i enter the...