• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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  1. H

    Not a Bug no ships for sale at shipyards

    Well I haven't experienced one neither or heard of it. After the installation a game works or it doesn't. For clarification: I have to admit that there had been error messages in the game. They appeared while being in direct sail mode or on the world map and read something like "ship image x not...
  2. H

    Not a Bug no ships for sale at shipyards

    I don't think so. If i had to guess I would say the problem occurred due to an incomplete install.
  3. H

    Not a Bug no ships for sale at shipyards

    I've made a full reinstall of Potc and build mod and loaded a save game from before and now it works. Thanks for the help anyway.
  4. H

    Not a Bug no ships for sale at shipyards

    I tried it once again and another .log file popped up that might be much more of interest.
  5. H

    Not a Bug no ships for sale at shipyards

    I never saw any ship in any shipyard for sale. I think it was the state from the beginning that no ships had been for sale. Hitting F11 didn't help. I started a new game this time the assasin campaign. Same problem here. I added the two .log files from the main directory. They should contain the...
  6. H

    Not a Bug no ships for sale at shipyards

    yes here you go. thx for the quick response.
  7. H

    Not a Bug no ships for sale at shipyards

    Hi, first of all i would like to thank the developers for this beautiful mod. I ran in some kind of problem. I'm running version 14 3.4., are playing the standard campaign and every shipyard I visited had no ships for sale. The only change I made to the installed version: I have modified the...