• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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  1. J

    My opinion of Mod/Addons currently in the works for Retail.....

    Very interesting. I used to think Akella was the most serious Russian company. Turns out they only exist because there isn't competition. You have hundreds of RTS games out there and another hundred FPS. But these pirate games, you can count on two hands including the oldies.
  2. J

    Starting with 100 Skill points and 38 Ability points?

    Hehe. One more thing then: I take my word back. After playing with the Build 12 mod the entire day yesterday I doubt the vanilla Sea Dogs III will be as great as POTC with the build mod. I don't know. I never liked POTC's quest, I like the freedom of Pirates! Gold with the battles of Sea Dogs...
  3. J

    Starting with 100 Skill points and 38 Ability points?

    Actually...that worked. I don't know what I was doing wrong or what I did right, but commenting out those lines worked. Now let's see if the game still works, doesn't crash or gets funky. Oh well, sorry for wasting your time.
  4. J

    Starting with 100 Skill points and 38 Ability points?

    Greetings. I've recently installed the build 12 mod (I'll let you folks grind down bugs on build 13 before trying it) and I'd like to know if there's anyway to start with 100 free skill points and 38 ability points. The idea is to upgrade my character as I see fit, regardless of leveling...