• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. F

    What are PB Modifications

    I would like to know where one could find these files and what they do (it would be great if some one posted a link or something). If they fix the boarding issues that would be awesome i.e. I had captured a MOW and a few Frigates and on the last one, STUCK ON DECK! Hahahaha(crying inside). I...
  2. F

    Mod 14 alpha 6

    Does it still use the same splash screen and stuff as mod 13, I just wanna make sure its actually working. It plays but when I run runme.bat it doesn't move any files. Just curious. Thanks.
  3. F

    Vista anyone?

    First, I just wanna know if anyone else plays the game on Vista (I use x64). I have noticed a peculiar thing, rather annoying actually, where the game doesn't crash to desktop but instead freezes and the only way to release it is reset the system. As well you always get the error message...
  4. F


    Where would those tutorials and wiki be located?
  5. F


    I know this is a broad topic, but I know a good bit of C++ and would like to take a crack at it. On my own, I'd not dare unleash what untold bugs may come on the general public. Thanks
  6. F


    You want the files to go in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" folder and the installer will automatically try to put it in a subfolder of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Mod 14 alpha 7" or something. So all I did was delete the "Mod 14 alpha 7" folder part. However, I still can't get it to work but it...
  7. F

    Stuck in Douwesen

    Nevermind i found it elsewhere in the mod forum
  8. F

    Stuck in Douwesen

    I have been doin the main quest and when I get shipwrecked I travel to Douwesen, I can't get in the tavern, should I go to the pirate tavern? As well there is a weird slow mo effect going on now. If I hit "R" to speed it up its just a little faster than normal, but without it everyone moves...
  9. F

    Gunpowder and bullet storage?

    Oh and is there any other way to get ammo and stuff on the ship other than your starting port. Like currently I can only ask the shopkeeper in Redmond to fill my ammo up.
  10. F

    Gunpowder and bullet storage?

    Maybe I'm not high enough rank yet but I was wondering where the items where that let you carry like 24 shots and gunpowder, I have the ones that hold 12. I am currently level 39. Just wondering.
  11. F

    Falaise de Fleur won't attack!

    Holy Crap!!!! What does that do, I guess I mean why does it do that, or......Holy Crap!!!! Awesome though, thanks.
  12. F

    Falaise de Fleur won't attack!

    I have attacked and taken the french port once then, a little later it came back, so I attacked it again. No problems, that is what I wanted. There was a point in the "Freeing Oxbay" quest where I paid a pirate to fix my relations with them, so I could moor there and get the Barque I had to...
  13. F

    Freezes w/ no response

    I have a similar issue with crashing in this game, but it doesn't crash to desktop. It freezes, loses picture, and the sound gets stuck. The only way I have found to get out of this is a restart (pressing the button). Then I get that "Windows failed to shutdown correctly" message at startup...