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Age of Pirates 2: Who wants it?

Blind Owl

Powder Monkey
Ahoy, fellow buccaneers & wannabes!

Some of you may have noticed that AOP 2 is pretty hard to come by these days. To those who haven't got a copy yet but want one, including me, I'd like to suggest that you visit this web site, and specifically this part of the site:


GOG stands for 'good old games,' and they're not just blowing cannon smoke: tons of great old games we once knew and loved--e.g. Sid Meier's Pirates and Pirates Gold--at knockdown prices. They're legal, easy to deal with, and once you own a game you OWN it. Hard to beat these days.

As you'll see if you click on the link, GOG has a running poll. If enough of us request it (I cast my vote today), they may acquire the rights to distribute AOP 2, thereby making it available to us would-be sea dogs who want to play GOF.

Disclaimer: I have no financial interest of any kind in GOG, I just wanna play AOP 2 with GOF! Time to get the vote out! Let the people speak! K?

yr humble sv't

Blind Owl :cheers

p.s. If there's a better place to post this, I'd appreciate it if someone would point to it. Thx.
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I have a GoG account as well.

By the way, I still have that extra FREE boxed licensed copy on my shelf of CoAS, if anyone wants it.
Bumping threads is considered bad manners on some sites, but I can't resist any longer...

Arr! Let's have AOP 2!!!:aar