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Fixed Animist passenger on-board after completing quest

I included these changes in my own game version now, so they'll be part of the next update I make.

@pedrwyth: If you get the chance, I'd recommend you update to the latest Beta 3.5 WIP version.
Quite a few things changed, most notably the location of the sidequest code.... :wp
@pedrwyth: If you get the chance, I'd recommend you update to the latest Beta 3.5 WIP version.
Quite a few things changed, most notably the location of the sidequest code.... :wp

I had already downloaded two version of build 14 3.5 (indeed it is difficult to keep up with the rate of change/improvement!) :cheers but at the moment I consider myself nought but an interested onlooker to developments. Although I have had to bite my lip (metaphorically) a couple of times even so.
I can read about the changes to Hornblower storyline or naval/privateer promotions for example(s) without any need to experience them for myself.

I can however see that it will ease the task of keeping track if any changes (or suggested changes) I post confirm to the revised data structure so I will ensure that even if/when I am working with 14 3.4 for saved game purposes I reflect 14 3.5 in what I post here.

I guess as I ease myself in (it was back in the early 80's when I last dissassembled code). I am initially more interested in fixing what wasn't working, if I run across it, than adding to a major modification of a whole I don't know that well in the first place.

However following my induction into the band of Storm Modders :pirates:wp {thanks for that!} I thought I had better go the extra fathom, not just stick with a basic fix for continuity, but look at the spirit of the section of sidequest I was interfering with.


1) I would tweak some of the dialog - notably one reference to the animists lair being north of the main island and the animist under interrogation in prison saying nothing about location but the quest book saying thay did and the location being unlocked.

2) tweak of the said questbook entry for 1 above.

3) if someone uses the Viper patch approach (killing the warden) they get off scotfree in relations with England (compared with falling foul for merely threatening him). This may have greater impact under the new regime of sidequests in all storyline/freeplay approaches than the standard.
I have prepared code to ensure next time they encounter the English they had better watch out (and changed the questbook and dialog to reflect this).

I have amended code for all the above :wp but even then if you leave Bridgetown without next going to Puerto Rico the nation relationship change doesn't kick in until you do so ideally a whole new case needs introducing between the prison scene and "to muella with teacher" to cater for anyone who decides to go off on three years of trading (or whatever) at that point in the sidequest. Is this something that is worth me doing?

(In fact in some scenarios this could be quite a difficult sidequest given the number of different nations to be visited for its completion - but maybe that's going to give added interest if your nation (or you) have antagonistic relations with where the quest sends you. That's gameplay!:pflag)

In another thread @Pieter Boelen referred to the unfinished aspects of the original game.
A case in point is Jaoquin de Masse. The poor guy comes all the way from Italy (or Europe at least) to clear up the Animists and takes no further part in the affair unless you choose to include him.
In my case I already had much better companions so left him kicking his heels on the ship.

Even if you choose to use him as a "blade" this seems a waste of a good potential side character, in the vanilla version there is some code which hints they intended a role in easing your access to the Teacher in prison but that is now commented out. I just wondered what "case raskainye" was?? (I presume it didn't make much sense jumping all those early skill level variations so it is code not used).

I did add him as a companion to see if he had been coded to have a role in the Maltese Knight dungeon but apparently not so I cleaned that out on my own.

It doesn't make sense for a man of his presumed beliefs/character to stay onboard after the quest completion with the majority of types of behaviour with which our character is likely to be engaged.

So how would a piece where he forces you to consider him for the shore party at the animists lair if you don't have him as a companion, another piece about him leaving to search out more wrongdoers (as you deposit Padre Domingues near the end of the quest) suit?

One could also have him suggest he would be available in future in appropriate circumstances and where he might be found if needed (e.g. with a tie in to help in the dungeon if pchar wanted -if this doesn't tread on the toes of the owner of the dungeon scenario, and can be fitted in the code) - alternatively he could head off back to Malta for new orders? Leaving a free thread for any budding story writer. I don't know the protocol for getting sanction for making storyline changes but wouldn't want to waste effort that could go elsewhere.

On that note, and looking to what I could meddle with next, are there any existing intended storyboards for extending Devlin Opera or is the code as is what we have (is it anybody's baby anyway), and/or is there anything else you think I (sorry "someone") could improve (I have a few issues with smuggling) which would help game development.

I will be away from the 4th till 22nd so don't take a lack of response at my end as a huff or refusal.
Lots of good ideas there! :cheers

Yes the Animist quest has lots of loose ends although I never had any problems with the warden in the prison. He lets me in to talk to the Teacher every time. The different islands one must visit to end the quest I see as opportunities for smuggling.

I also never know what to do with Masse. Sometimes I keep him around and sometimes I send him on his way.

All you have to do to modify a storyline is do it and post it here somewhere so others can look at it. The Devlin Opera has not been touched for at least 5 years that I know of and whoever was working on it is long gone.

What are your ideas about smuggling? It is not broken that I can see.
Lots of good ideas there! :cheers

What are your ideas about smuggling? It is not broken that I can see.

Smuggling is not "broken" but in the original game you were fixed when a shore patrol arrived and had to deal with them (which on Oyster Beach for example was totally stupid), now you can run away... great that is my best strategy. So if a shore patrol shows up I avoid dialogue and run to to the boat - tough on you smugglers. No problem its every man for himself after all BUT what happens to the smugglers next time I go to that island there is no break in the supply chain. Although complex to code I think they should not be there until sufficient time has elapsed to rebuild their organisation? At the moment I ignore all the stuff about knowing when there is a patrol cos I can just run away but if it breaks the organisation for an "#undefined#" period it makes smuggling more of an unknown and me more circumspect.

I can load Sovereign of the Seas (for example) to the gunwails (if that's the right term) and the smugglers take it all. In port that's 7 days loading with full port facilities but instant dump on the beach. Also they must issue cheques cos there can be 1.5 million cash swings here - do they carry that sort of finance through the jungle?

Now I'm playing poacher turned gamekeeper.[ I wouldn't block the run-away cos you can always choose to stay and fight] but I would like to see some come back when you abandon the scene (like no more smuggling on that island for xx days). I don't see a change in relations to smugglers cos they should understand it's every man/woman/smuggler/pirate for them/he/she or it selves.

I also don't like the high volume of trade that smuggling can absorb so would like some form of upper limit. (Not sure what or how)

Don't like the avoidance of any time penalty the "i've dumped it on the beach" - at high cargo amounts gives - I guess it's ok at low volumes. but again emptying a fleet of 4 high capacity ships doesn't sound like "smuggling".

If there were a caught smugglers function it could have a random factor of occurrence too announced through the tavern network in the same way as increased/decreased coastguard activity is now. So you've just filled up with contraband for #somewhere# when news comes in they bust the smuggling ring. Just removes a little bit of the certainty from those vast profits.

I don't know how it would affect the game - I know it would fix one of my current play tactics though whilst still allowing me to run away.
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Ok. Well I have the totally unsubstantiated belief that smuggling hurts the local economy so I don't do it too often anyway. Soon the local store is empty and I can't buy anything. One thing I like to do is load up with half legal goods and half contraband. That way everyone gets some action.

It seems like your main complaint is using the biggest ships in the game for smuggling, which is dumb to begin with. It is kinda like an elephant trying to hide behind a dandelion. Why not just capture the whole blithering colony?

An upper limit on smuggled goods is a good idea. Say 3,000 cwt. That is about the limit of a Fast Galleon which is a big ship. Anything bigger is just abusing the system. That would also make smuggling with a giant ship not worth the bother.
Ok. Well I have the totally unsubstantiated belief that smuggling hurts the local economy so I don't do it too often anyway. Soon the local store is empty and I can't buy anything. One thing I like to do is load up with half legal goods and half contraband. That way everyone gets some action.

It seems like your main complaint is using the biggest ships in the game for smuggling, which is dumb to begin with. It is kinda like an elephant trying to hide behind a dandelion. Why not just capture the whole blithering colony?

That sounds like a good guy trading response.

"Why not capture the colony" brings me back to my newbie situation. I've only played vanilla (often) and modded standard story (once) so all the other ways of living are outwith my experience. Smuggling seemed to make the most money - means to an end (and not real life -so really hurt no-one) but over time I will try other strategies.

When I smuggle as a matter of course the first places to benefit are the local shipyard to fix any problems and the store for next supply (but that sounds like an apology -which it isn't)
It isn't so bad now but it used to be possible for a colony to collapse and then not to be able to trade with them again. I used to do lots of charity runs to failing colonies trying to keep them afloat and only actually lost one. That has been fixed now tho.

Making money isn't everything. After a while I reach the point of "why bother"? If I play a game long enough I always end up downsizing to small fast ships. It all works better that way.
I had already downloaded two version of build 14 3.5 (indeed it is difficult to keep up with the rate of change/improvement!) :cheers but at the moment I consider myself nought but an interested onlooker to developments. Although I have had to bite my lip (metaphorically) a couple of times even so.
I can read about the changes to Hornblower storyline or naval/privateer promotions for example(s) without any need to experience them for myself.

I can however see that it will ease the task of keeping track if any changes (or suggested changes) I post confirm to the revised data structure so I will ensure that even if/when I am working with 14 3.4 for saved game purposes I reflect 14 3.5 in what I post here.
Indeed my main concern is compatibility. I *think* I put all your changes correctly in my game version, but since the changes on the Beta 3.5 WIP side were so large, I'm not certain.
If you could check when I post the next update, that would be much appreciated.

Other than that, you're of course welcome to play whatever version you like best right now.
I can certainly understand that the unfinished nature of the Beta 3.5 WIP is a bit of a disadvantage,
though I'm hoping to bring that closer to completion over the coming few weeks.

Although I have had to bite my lip (metaphorically) a couple of times even so.
Agh; don't do that! Lip-biting is painful and stands in the way of progress anyway.
You're welcome to post whatever comments and code changes you might have. We all work together here, after all.


Some replies to your other comments:

- My own main priorities are to fix and finish the changes introduced with Beta 3.5, most notably:
Cargo Capacities with the help of @J Norrington: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/realistic-cargo-mod-beta-version-update-2.24906/
Include Cannon and Crew Weight in Cargo Capacities: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/include-cannon-weight-and-number-in-cargo-capacity.24953/
Naval Promotion Steps with the help of @Grey Roger: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/naval-privateer-promotion-steps.24749/
Split Sidequests and incompatibility on Main Storylines that result from that: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-5-master-plan.24909/
Custom Free Play game start scenarios

However, any and all other improvements are welcome as well.
Most notably fixes to existing issues, because I know there are still some weird things out there (you just have to look at the Bug Tracker to see the current known issues).

- The Devlin Opera storyline was put in place for testing purposes by @konradk and the current beginning was written by @Short Jack Gold.
They are both no longer active, so you don't have to worry about stepping on any toes there.
From what I understand, it was sort-of intended to be the Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales main quest,
though the inclusion of the various PiratesAhoy! Modders doesn't quite fit with that.

- Changes to the Maltese Knight character also sound like fun. If I recall, he already has a bit of a custom role in the Jack Sparrow version of his sidequest.
Linking him to the Maltese Knight Abbey (originally done by @CouchcaptainCharles, also inactive) is a good idea as far as I'm concerned.
@Levis, @Jack Rackham and myself recently added some extra stuff to the Abbey as per this thread: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/custom-quest-musket.24428
That also involves a small sidequest for the church.

- All recent changes to smuggling are also @Levis' work. While he has been quiet for a while now, he was around a few months ago.
He put just about all relevant code in PROGRAM\smuggling.c which should hopefully make it easier to edit that as well.
I'd certainly welcome any changes made to it.

I do recall that he did some work to prevent you from escaping when you are caught during smuggling.
But I tested that a while back and thought it worked. Are you saying that it no longer does?
I did also make some changes recently to lock a location until all enemies have been killed.
That isn't used for smuggling right now, but perhaps that could provide a relatively simple solution?
This is how that behaviour is triggered:
    if(!CheckAttribute(PChar, "locationLock"))
       PChar.locationLock = true;
       StartQuestMovie(true, false, false);
Thanks for the comments @Pieter Boelen . I will perhaps do the minimal tweak to the Maltese Knight to tidy the end of the animists but then look at Jack Sparrow and wander round the Abbey a bit more before deciding if there is indeed a sensible role for de Masse in there. So no immediate plans there.

Devlin Opera too would be long term - I like the family search element and eventual reward of a treasure hunt but am not so enthusiastic about the colony capture aspect that Caribbean Tales seems to entail (at a first rapid search about it).

So for now I will look through the bug tracker confirmed problems and see if anything springs to mind. I have experienced some of the confirmed ones myself (problems with contraband not being taken when sold, double names and over 100% skill levels to name a few) So although none were game breakers it would be nice to track them down.

As I said to @Hylie Pistof smuggling is not broken but could be improved. There is always the possibility of self imposed "don't do it then" but for more outlandish stuff (like "sneaking" in to smuggle with 4 large ships!) a physical prevention adds to "realism" without ruining gameplay. His suggestion of a weight limit sounds easy to implement - doesn't stop you loading up but they won't buy above a certain limit (logic? --they can't handle the logistics or resell more than that quickly enough).

The nub of the matter in running away from a coastguard patrol is in the word "caught". If you let them within reach, lets call it a locator radius, then you are stopped and conversation and fight ensue (actually occasionally they let you off with a warning ?). But a second ping after trading with the smuggler forewarns you a patrol is coming and flight to the boat is possible (in 14 3.4 anyway). You can even run past them if at sufficient distance. I actually like this myself but would just like to see some sort of effect to hit the smuggling organisation caught back on the beach. Even in the absence of this "feature request" I would leave it as it is. I saw the thread about locking you in if caught in the act of mugging traders and that's cool for that situation but here you have a boat waiting so why not use it. You often sail straight into a waiting coastal squadron anyway
Last year in the HOO forums someone posted some documents from an English colony for the purpose of showing the typing styles of the day. I read them and learned something. :read

In the early days the smaller colony generated a lot more tax revenue than the later much larger colony did. I credit smuggling for that. :sail It is known that smuggling became very common and in fact has never stopped. The most profitable routes were from the Caribbean to North America. It used to be tea, sugar, and such but now it is marijuana, heroin, and cocaine.

Anyway, while as a player you have the choice to flee or fight but the smugglers probably just bribed the Coast Guard.
1) I would tweak some of the dialog - notably one reference to the animists lair being north of the main island and the animist under interrogation in prison saying nothing about location but the quest book saying thay did and the location being unlocked.
2) tweak of the said questbook entry for 1 above.

3) if someone uses the Viper patch approach (killing the warden) they get off scotfree in relations with England (compared with falling foul for merely threatening him). This may have greater impact under the new regime of sidequests in all storyline/freeplay approaches than the standard.
I have prepared code to ensure next time they encounter the English they had better watch out (and changed the questbook and dialog to reflect this).

I have amended code for all the above

As part of my tidying I find I haven't posted the above mentioned code - so here it is.

The last is the amended case to go in quests_reaction.c as was in 14 3.4 (now quests_side.c I think) I'm not sure if the change of relations is handled properly (I just copied it from elsewhere in the file) if you care to check that.


  • animists.txt
    10.1 KB · Views: 152
  • Quest_ANIMISTS_dialog.h
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  • Simon Hanpool_dialog.h
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  • with teacher to muelle.c
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