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Fixed Can't board Sirena

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
I'm at that part of "Tales of a Sea Hawk" in which I'm supposed to retrieve Silehard's jewellery collection from the Sirena. In both the stock game and Build 13, I went round the back of Douwesen, found and boarded the ship, then got the stuff. In Build 14 if I try that, I get the usual choice of what to do when the boarding is finished, then the game gets stuck. Sometimes it's a view of the sea. Sometimes it's a black screen. One time I could see the shore and also parts of a ship's decks as if it was an external view of the ship but the camera was inside the ship. If I simply stay away and pound the Sirena into driftwood then I get the normal scene on the beach with the crewman reporting that the treasure can be salvaged.
This is really strange 'cause I have experienced that "being stock in the a weird view screen" thing but not that specific situation.
*Please provide a savegame before attacking the Serena and .log files right after the problem occur.
In the Wiki it states that boarding that ship causes a crash, so this has been a problem for years.
I've got this problem too one time but when I reloud the game again and try it again it works fine for me and I boarded the ships and I can even moor again, so far as I remembered the only thing I've done was to reloud a save on Puerto Rico (Isla Muelle) and play the Silehard Bedroom part and the part on Bridgetown another time and this time it works fine for me if I boarded the ship


Because most people do not play it like this? I for one never knew about the Sirena at all until today. :shrug
I'll never report this one earlier because it works fine after reloading the save on Puerto Rico again before talking to the tavernkeeper there and everytime I played this battle after that is works fine and I can even moor on Barbados


This is really strange 'cause I have experienced that "being stock in the a weird view screen" thing but not that specific situation.
*Please provide a savegame before attacking the Serena and .log files right after the problem occur.
Try these.

The saved game is at Kralendijk port after I've arrived, sold some cargo, sold some ships and been to see the governor.

Several other quests are also going on, though these never got in the way of the Sirena (or each other) in earlier versions of PoTC.

Assassin: have recently been to Nevis to eliminate a smuggler
Strange happenings: have recently been to Bridgetown to receive wisdom from the Great Teacher
Lucas da Saldhana: is following me around like a lost puppy and probably wondering why I'm heading the exact opposite direction of San Juan
Pirate hunting: there's a 6th rate frigate somewhere near Bonaire

That last one did get in the way of the Sirena, sort of, once. I put to sea from Kralendijk and the frigate was in front of me, some way out - to be more precise it was right in front of the fort, which started trying to do my job for me. I caught up with the frigate and boarded it, and while I was on the way I got a message that Sirena had surrendered. Proceeding round Bonaire I completely failed to find Sirena and "Sail To" didn't find it either. After reloading that saved game and putting to sea again, this time the frigate was not immediately visible. When I got to the other side of Bonaire I found both the frigate and Sirena, boarded the frigate without any trouble, then sank Sirena.

I can't remember whether the attempt to board Sirena followed by the usual mess-up and reload happened before or after the frigate battle in which Sirena surrendered and disappeared.

If the log files show previous problems as well as the most recent then you may also find something about a CTD which happened when I was on my way to Bonaire - I'd found a French group, attacked it, and was part way through boarding a ship when the game crashed. I reloaded my previous saved game (at Sao Jorge), went again to Bonaire, found a different French group, attacked it, boarded various ships and took them to Bonaire to sell.


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Because most people do not play it like this? I for one never knew about the Sirena at all until today. :shrug
Whereas I've always boarded Sirena from the time I was playing stock PoTC through to all the times I played Build 13. Only Build 14 has given me problems with it.
Try these.

I tried the save: seadogs2_0000.jpg ...had a look into your compile.log and turns out, you're not using the latest version. Try the latest version first and see if the problem is still there, only download the installer, or otherwise try VanessaHudgensFan's suggestion and do that too, if you get the same problem with the latest.
That is correct. I'm using Beta 3, not Beta 3.1. I did try installing Beta 3.1 and found (as you did) that it doesn't like my saved games. Since I'm rather far into the game now and don't want to have to restart yet again, I'll play this one to completion.

As for VanessaHudgensFan's suggestion, I'm not sure what the tavernkeeper at San Juan has to do with the Sirena unless it's another case of Build 14 having trouble with mixed quests that Build 13 did not have. The tavernkeeper told me to talk to Jordano as part of the "Strange Happenings" quest, I did, he told me to go to Barbados, I did, hence my statement about the Great Teacher. Barbados did not give me any trouble here.
This sounds similar to the situation with that frigate at Bridgetown with the statue that you must get. At first I boarded it to get the statue and the game went wacky bonkers. The solution is to sink it and then you get the statue.

It sounds like the same thing is happening with the Sirena.

I never knew the Sirena was there at all and landed at Kralendijk and then trekked across the island to the Pirate camp and got the trinkets there.
As for VanessaHudgensFan's suggestion, I'm not sure what the tavernkeeper at San Juan has to do with the Sirena unless it's another case of Build 14 having trouble with mixed quests that Build 13 did not have. The tavernkeeper told me to talk to Jordano as part of the "Strange Happenings" quest, I did, he told me to go to Barbados, I did, hence my statement about the Great Teacher. Barbados did not give me any trouble here.
Uhm, what? :confused: The point I'm trying to get/say from he's comment is just to "reload to an earlier save". And try again.
And hey, like you said, you can always just sink the damn ship and let yer crew find and collect those...things. Its what I always do. :yes
As far as I have been on this game, it seems that the only way to get the idol, if you fight directly to the ship, is to sink it.

About The bridgetown ship with the idol.... i haven't been on that part from a long time, so i don't know if i still have that bug when sinking it or not.
As for VanessaHudgensFan's suggestion, I'm not sure what the tavernkeeper at San Juan has to do with the Sirena unless it's another case of Build 14 having trouble with mixed quests that Build 13 did not have. The tavernkeeper told me to talk to Jordano as part of the "Strange Happenings" quest, I did, he told me to go to Barbados, I did, hence my statement about the Great Teacher. Barbados did not give me any trouble here.

The tavernkeeper had nothing to do with the Sirena, the only thing I want to say is like DavyJack said. Reload a earlier save and try again. I'm playing build 3.1 and when I've got this problem I reloaded a earlier save in Puerto Rico Tavern before talking to the Tavernkeeper about Danielle Greene and in my case it works and I boarded and captured the ship without any problems and when I was going to the worldmap the storm scene apprears and I was on the beach of Bonaire and I've never have this problem again that's why I have never reported this :p

Here is the save of Puerto Rico I mentoined and I've put two saves after the Sirena capture as well so you can see it works fine for me ;)

(Just download them and put the in the SAVE/standard map and you can play them ;))



P.S: I only played the main story here, no side quests.


  • Reloaded Save Puerto Rico.zip
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  • SirenaBoarded.zip
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Reloading earlier saved games is so commonplace due to regular crashes and bugs that I didn't think it was worth mentioning. However, as an experiment I tried reloading back to Port Royale, bypassing both my activities in San Juan and a diversion to La Tortue. I went straight to Bridgetown, boarded Sirena and the game got stuck as usual. Then I reloaded my most recent saved game, sank the Sirena and continued. This has never been a problem in either the stock game or Build 13, even with other quests running; it's only Build 14 which has messed it up. And the ships which attack the Montanez. And, apparently, the frigate with the idol. All are ships tied to quests, so I was worried that the Mefisto would be messed up as well, but fortunately I was able to board that.

This is the second time I've got as far as the Sirena. The first time I thought the saved games had become corrupted and since I didn't know how far back such corruption may have happened, I restarted a whole new game.

I'm still playing Beta 3 since I'm now quite far into the game. Saved games from Beta 3.1 are not compatible with Beta 3, and vice versa. Has any work been done in Beta 3.1 to fix this problem? Or can I assume that, when I install Beta 3.1 and start yet again, the Sirena will still not be boardable?
Only very little work has been done since the release of Build 14 Beta 3.1 and we were not aware of these issues at the time.
We may try fixing them for Beta 3.2, but that depends on whether myself or someone else can find the time to look into them.
I'm still playing Beta 3 since I'm now quite far into the game. Saved games from Beta 3.1 are not compatible with Beta 3, and vice versa. Has any work been done in Beta 3.1 to fix this problem? Or can I assume that, when I install Beta 3.1 and start yet again, the Sirena will still not be boardable?

I'm playing Beta 3.1 and in my case it works fine except for one time ;)


Does anyone has a savegame where this happens?
Provided you can read a saved game from Beta 3, scroll back to my post of 14th March in this thread. I posted it there. ;) You'll find some log files as well.