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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Engine Problem



This may have already been assessed but I get engine.exe errors at random points in the game, mostly at loading screens and starting a new game.

I use vista and a laptop, with intel G945 chipset.

I have also done all of the workarounds and fixes for builds and also the intel / vista fixes, (software rendering), but it still does not wish to work. I tried to configure the size and bit of the game when it runs but I'm not sure if I did it correctly, it is on 800x600 32bit at the moment. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! :)
Ahoy Deynarian, welcome aboard mate! I am not sure exactly what your problem is, but one thing that may be causing it is a DirectX call. You are at least able to get it to run, so that's a good sign! Make sure you have DirectX 9 installed, this game is fairly old and needs the older DirectX calls to function properly. Also, you need to set the Engine.EXE file to run with Administrator privileges, and you may also need to run it in Windows XP compatibility mode. At least that is how I was able to get it to run. I have no experience with the Intel chipset, but I do know the game has major problems with that one, that may be were most of your problems are coming from. One thing you might try is checking in your BIOS and seeing if you can add more of the system memory to be used by the Intel graphics chipset, I am just guessing on that one though. Hope that helps mate!
Thanks, yes, I tried running in XP mode and I think I have Direct X 9 which is compatible, so I shall have to try the other two, thanks again. :)
Oh yeah, forgot about the ffdshow crap, that is one annoying codec!