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Mod: BladeDmg 1.0


Master Mariner
Storm Modder
This simple mod calculates raw blade damage from damage/weight/balance/curve/length. The value in brackets considers related perks.
Raw damage means damage calculated before skill/rank/random additions, this is not tool to calculate real damage, but to compare blades. However, these calculations can be inaccurate in some cases.
Currently it works only from Items menu. Since it seems impossible to get active row from other script, I had to modify existing scripts, that's the reason why I don't want to do the same with itembox/vendor interfaces and also the reason why there are separate versions for English and Russian versions.

Important notice:
You can't make these calculations normally in game. This mod kills some unknown element of the game, keep it in mind. But for most of us this this change only increases interest.

How to install:
1. This mod requires tehomod 0.8 or higher(but doesn't require other scripts), so install it first.
2. Unpack BladeDmg1.0_RUS.zip or BladeDmg1.0_ENG.zip into the game folder(with ENGINE.exe)
Blade damage window appears instead of default info window when you hold rclick on a blade in the Items menu.


Two similar blades:

Other screenshots:



  • BladeDmg1.0_RUS.zip
    10 KB · Views: 567
  • BladeDmg1.0_ENG.zip
    9.4 KB · Views: 1,323
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