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Fixed Problem with street merchant robbing


Storm Modder
now playing July 3 update two things I have noticed. First at the docks particularly San Juan some ships moored are flying Pirate flags. Also in the July 3 version the part of robbing street merchants that locks you in the location until all the enemies are dead may not be working. I have killed everyone except the looted merchant (unarmed) and all exits remain locked.
Do you have a savegame?
Is the danger icon still flashing? The location should get unlocked when it stops.
Yes, but nothing happened this time when I robbed him . I got the stuff, no alarm and no guards and no problem exiting
Is the danger icon still flashing? The location should get unlocked when it stops.

No it is not still flashing.
It is happened before that there is no alarm and no guards but only once or twice, extremely rare.
It might happen when the trader doesn't have items. But if he's got items, it should be heavily penalised when you steal from them. :shock
First at the docks particularly San Juan some ships moored are flying Pirate flags.
SOME or just one that is always moored right alongside the jetty?
That might be Claire Larousse's ship; that one is always there until you take her quest and she's a pirate.
Unfortunately this IS a real problem. I just encountered it in Kralendijk port. Consistently too.
The "danger" icon never stops flashing. I think because there is still a hostile soldier somewhere around.
But he isn't generated anywhere you can actually get to him, which is very strange.
That also prevents you from killing him. :facepalm
Let me guess: This only happens in ports.... The game tried to find a nice locator to use of type "reload".
However, the BOAT one also fits so the soldier gets generated there:

That's not good! :shock
hahahahhaha :p.

So why is a reload locator used here :S?
Let me guess. That is at Marigot. I mentioned it many times over the years.
I must not have noticed properly. Now that "living enemy soldiers" can keep you stuck in a location, that is a potentially pretty bad problem.
It was the Bonaire port, actually.

So why is a reload locator used here :S?
Beats me! Stock game weirdness. :cheeky

Anyway, I have made some changes to LAi_FindRandomLocator, LAi_FindFarLocator and LAi_FindFarFreeLocator that should rule out the "boat" locator being used again.
Hopefully this does the trick and gets it to behave properly now....
Unfortunately this IS a real problem. I just encountered it in Kralendijk port. Consistently too.
The "danger" icon never stops flashing. I think because there is still a hostile soldier somewhere around.
But he isn't generated anywhere you can actually get to him, which is very strange.
That also prevents you from killing him. :facepalm

I have encountered this problem in every port where I robbed a merchant a killed all of guards/ soldiers. They are in the boat. If you have fire arm and ammunition it is a simple matter to put two or three in him and the problem is solved. No problem. If you have no firearm and ammonia you are SOL (shot out of luck).
I have encountered this problem in every port where I robbed a merchant a killed all of guards/ soldiers. They are in the boat.
I figured as much! Well, please try again once I post the next update; hopefully that will no longer happen.
Fix for this included in here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-4-internal-wip-for-testing.25696

This involves several VERY common and general functions which hopefully I did not break in the process.... :oops:

Keep an eye on where random characters are being generated. They should not EVER appear in the port "boat" anymore.
They also should use a wide variety of locations and not all be generated at the same spot.

Additionally, the game should also try to generate "Soldier Reinforcements" far away from you to give you time to 'prepare'.
But no guarantees on that one always working.... :wp