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Not a Bug Shore Forts: Different Behaviour in Soldier & Citizen Dialogs


Storm Modder
Hearts of Oak Donator
The dialogs in the forts are different now, you can't bribe the guards anymore.
This is the dialog when you walk into a fort from the shore-side?
Can you show a screenshot of what dialog you are getting now?
@Pieter Boelen This are the words seadogs2_0000.jpg seadogs2_0001.jpg seadogs2_0062.jpg
I'm not sure that the dialog is different. As far as I can see, it's controlled by "patrol_dialog.c", and I can't see new versions of that in any of the 28th July installer, the 23rd September update or the "Levis' Stuff" update.

You can't always bribe the fort guards anyway. Looking at the code, bribing is only an option if you are hostile to the fort's nation, and even then there's a check against your "Luck" skill plus a random number. If you're friendly to Portugal and you wander into a Portuguese fort, I don't think you'll get the dialog choice to offer a bribe.
@Grey Roger It goes for all the Forts , Friendly or Hostile it dont make a change :eek:

And the dialog for civilians in forts are change too
Thanks, @ANSEL!

It must then be something with the randomization and/or the skill checks being conducted inside those dialogs.
At least your screenshots confirm it is still the correct file. That's a start. :onya
The phrase "wink " is gone.
Was it supposed to be there? I remember there is a "nudge nudge, wink wink" in there somewhere, but I think that was a different sentence.

And is this not weird:
That has always been in there. It does read a bit strangely.
I assume CCC intended to suggest that the player pretends to not understand that they're raising the alarm because of him.
Still with me? I can understand it is a confusing. o_O
@ANSEL: Could you post the following two files:

I don't have access to my full game installation at the moment, only the Build installer as linked in @Pieter Boelen's signature plus the recent ZIP updates. It may be that I'm missing something and that there is somehow a different version of those files, so I'd need to see what you have and try to figure out what's happening. "patrol_dialog.c" governs what the guards say, "Enc_fort_dialog.c" governs what civilians say, and the respective ".h" files are their actual messages.

@Pieter Boelen: the "wink" line is this:
"Oh, yes, of course, Sir! Here, my identification is in this purse, right below the 200 Gold. *WINK*"
It appears in "patrol_dialog.h", line 9, which equates to DLG_TXT[7].


  • Enc_fort_dialog.c
    13.5 KB · Views: 131
  • Enc_fort_dialog.h
    8.3 KB · Views: 140
  • patrol_dialog.c
    3.1 KB · Views: 168
  • patrol_dialog.h
    2 KB · Views: 145
Strange. That version of "patrol_dialog.c" matches the one I was looking at, in which the reference to "DLG_TXT[7]" - the line to offer a bribe - can be an option, but only if you are hostile to the fort's nation. If you're playing a Portuguese character then you're probably hostile to France and Spain. Check that this is the case, and if so, see what happens if you go into the fort at Guadeloupe or Port au Prince.

The other files also match the ones I'm looking at - WinMerge says they're identical. Mine are the ones from "b14_beta4_final.tar", the archive file which is the core of any Build14 install these days, with "Enc_fort_dialog.c" dated 4th March 2016 and "Enc_fort_dialog.h" dated 23rd June 2010.

What did you notice as being different about the civilian dialog?
Well it looks more complex then I expected ( maybe I should not have mentioned it)
I remember the civilian dialog like it only have two " sections " now its has three.
Looking at the code, you should initially have four options: tell him to get lost, suggest that he and you plunder the place, threaten him, or tell him to calm down. "Get lost" automatically works, the others do a random check based on a relevant skill (Luck, Fencing or Leadership respectively). If the check fails then he calls the guards.

If you didn't tell him to get lost and the check passes then you proceed to a conversation based on what sort of civilian he is, generally your choice of a demand for money or a demand for something based on his profession.

Then he'll either give you what you want or call the guards, the latter especially likely if he's a diplomat and you've just asked him to surrender the colony.
It was not that I talk about ( I have been making troubles in Forts several 100 times, I think)
I will come back when I'm more fit for" fighting":) :duel:
@Grey Roger I have now figured out whats going on, nothing wrong with the game.
I have never played the game in year 1505 before, it seems like the dialog is triggered in
another way in this period. Thats was all "confusion" So no bug at all:oops:
I think so, the relevant file will show if or not?
Edit: Or are there difference between the nations
in the way dialogs is triggered in forts?
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Nation relations would affect it for sure.
I don't remember a great deal of those dialogs; haven't looked at them for quite a few years.