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Feature Request Standard Storyline: Update Nathaniel's clothing as part of the main quest

Here sorry : Use THIS image for a generic one. :razz


  • clothes potc.PNG
    clothes potc.PNG
    1.4 MB · Views: 135
Here sorry : Use THIS image for a generic one.
Ah, you mean the CARGO GOOD! Sorry, I misunderstood you and thoughts you were talking about items.

I also completely forgot that existed, because it never serves any sort of purpose as "clothes".
It is just a random sort of cargo that you can trade with....

Indeed that could be quite an appropriate icon to use for a "generic outfit item". :onya
@ColonelKetchup30: Do you still want to make this happen?
I think the simplest solution by far is this one:
I have recently added an automated log message so you'll notice that you got the new outfit.

So if you want to see it done, I recommend you use that solution and do it! :cheers