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Mod Release AoP:CT - Historical Immersion Mod v5.0

It turns out that the only version of this ship that I still have is the GOF2 version of the POTC version. Since it works in COAS it should work in your Supermod. This one has 2 bows, one with the critter and one without.

Uh ohh. There are many different textures in this version. Dunno how it worked in GOF2 at all.


  • Galeon_h1 GOF2.7z
    1 MB · Views: 315
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It turns out that the only version of this ship that I still have is the GOF2 version of the POTC version. Since it works in COAS it should work in your Supermod. This one has 2 bows, one with the critter and one without.

Uh ohh. There are many different textures in this version. Dunno how it worked in GOF2 at all.
No Problem Hylie. I just took the GOF2 stuff and put it in no problem. I did fiddle around with the files to assign the critter as default bow on the War Galleon, but otherwise it was a pretty smooth transition. I did notice a few things with the AOP2 sailorspoints for the Tartanes and the War Galleon. In the War Galleon the only problem is the rigging climber locators are too shallow making the sailors phase through the rigging I can fix that, but I will need some time to re download the sailor tool. the Tartane the sailors are actually phasing through the deckboards because of the angled nature of the Tartanes, despite the higher resolution model.
Beta Test Iteration 2 Update Notes:

-Replaced the Tartanes, Barque and War Galleon Models with their GOF 2 Counterparts to correct bow wave problems, missing cannons on the barque and problems with integrating new sailorspoints files for the tartanes.

-Fixed More Sailorspoints for the War Galleon, Barque and Tartanes.

Upload is in progress.
I will need some assistance on this one... Since Chezjfrey has not replied to my messages for a while, even though I know he's been online recently. The options bug that I have found is doing some weird things to the error messages:
In encountersmap.c the system log states:
Квестовому энкаунтеру не назначен персонаж!
which is, in rough translation:
Quest Character not assigned a Character!

Also related is the following errors in the logs:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 401
Can't open save file: SAVE\Player\Player QuickSave
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 401
Can't open save file: SAVE\Player\Player QuickSave
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Since Chezjfrey has not replied to my messages for a while, even though I know he's been online recently.

Easy there, Trigger. I took responsibility for making this work with the new engine and even added a couple features, like the ability to move the menu backscene camera to suit your perspective tastes; that was what I signed up for. I had in no intention, nor inclination to support all aspects of this mod beyond that. Still, despite that, I still chipped in and fixed many problems in the original scripts of this mod and helped to complete the Dutchman Quest; this thread is a testament to that. At this point, I assumed ownership of bug fixing for what I see claimed as your particular version of this mod, would be taken up by you.

This error:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 401
Can't open save file: SAVE\Player\Player QuickSave

Is only due to hitting the F9 key, which is mapped to 'QuickLoad'. However, if you have never hit F6 to create a QuickSave, the file is not there, and you get that error. If you hit F6 first, you will see a QuickSave file get created in your save profile directory, and if you then hit F9, it will load that same file and no error presents.

I have made no changes to the original encounters_map.c file, so if there are runtime errors like you describe, I did not introduce them. But, it is a script issue, not an engine one.

I have also made no changes to how the options file is saved/read. If it is not loading the options the way you expect, it is mostly handled in the script files. However, what you describe is actually common; the same behavior exists in COAS. The options file exists in the root game directory, and for new games, those are the options read in from the file and used. When you create a new profile, those options are copied to an options subdirectory in the named save profile directory. If you change the options on the main menu, it does not change the options used within each profile and you have to load a game from that directory and then change the options. The same problem exists when changing key mappings and other game settings that are stored in object attributes...when you load the game, those options have to be changed, then the game resaved again to store, as most of those types of option settings get written back into the specific save game data because they had been stored in gameinterface object attribute values, and not re-read from the options file. It has unfortunately always been that way.
Easy there, Trigger. I took responsibility for making this work with the new engine and even added a couple features, like the ability to move the menu backscene camera to suit your perspective tastes; that was what I signed up for. I had in no intention, nor inclination to support all aspects of this mod beyond that. Still, despite that, I still chipped in and fixed many problems in the original scripts of this mod and helped to complete the Dutchman Quest; this thread is a testament to that. At this point, I assumed ownership of bug fixing for what I see claimed as your particular version of this mod, would be taken up by you.

This error:
RUNTIME ERROR - file: seadogs.c; line: 401
Can't open save file: SAVE\Player\Player QuickSave

Is only due to hitting the F9 key, which is mapped to 'QuickLoad'. However, if you have never hit F6 to create a QuickSave, the file is not there, and you get that error. If you hit F6 first, you will see a QuickSave file get created in your save profile directory, and if you then hit F9, it will load that same file and no error presents.

I have made no changes to the original encounters_map.c file, so if there are runtime errors like you describe, I did not introduce them. But, it is a script issue, not an engine one.

I have also made no changes to how the options file is saved/read. If it is not loading the options the way you expect, it is mostly handled in the script files. However, what you describe is actually common; the same behavior exists in COAS. The options file exists in the root game directory, and for new games, those are the options read in from the file and used. When you create a new profile, those options are copied to an options subdirectory in the named save profile directory. If you change the options on the main menu, it does not change the options used within each profile and you have to load a game from that directory and then change the options. The same problem exists when changing key mappings and other game settings that are stored in object attributes...when you load the game, those options have to be changed, then the game resaved again to store, as most of those types of option settings get written back into the specific save game data because they had been stored in gameinterface object attribute values, and not re-read from the options file. It has unfortunately always been that way.

Sorry, my mistake for mouthing off. Last week was a Death March in coding so I was a bit exhausted when I wrote those messages and was not myself. Again, my profound apologies for this as I was just about ready to release it fully. This will go into full release next weekend.
Final Additions (Will Upload to Google Drive Tonight):
-Added More English Town, Sailing and World Map Themes.
-Added the New Credits Roll with Mod Development Credits at the End.

Upload will go to Google drive first, then to Mod DB with a new article.
@ChezJfrey I have a question for you about anti-aliasing. A user that downloaded it was using the Nvidia control panel to use it's built in AA to smooth out the models and textures. That caused a crash. Any thoughts?

This is what he said on ModDB:
"Hmm, this game does not allow to add anti-aliasing from nvidia control panel and SweetFX makes it crash. Is there any way to add AA to this game? Without it it just looks awful and the post-processing setting does not look good also. I remember being able to force AA in the older Pirate games."
How odd. I play it with 8X AA and 16X AF in the AMD control panel just like GOF2 and POTC. The problem is probably in his hardware.
@ChezJfrey I have a question for you about anti-aliasing. A user that downloaded it was using the Nvidia control panel to use it's built in AA to smooth out the models and textures. That caused a crash. Any thoughts?

This is what he said on ModDB:
"Hmm, this game does not allow to add anti-aliasing from nvidia control panel and SweetFX makes it crash. Is there any way to add AA to this game? Without it it just looks awful and the post-processing setting does not look good also. I remember being able to force AA in the older Pirate games."

Don't know. But, since I don't have a video card with these cooler, newer features, such as antialiasing, and can't reliably ascertain whether any coding changes will work towards resolving any of these kinds of issues, I am willing to accept shipment of various computers with all sorts of video cards for troubleshooting and programming for compatibility; I need samples to experiment and verify.

In lieu of that, I decided to just throw in an antialiasing option built into the game, and as of about 15 minutes ago, it now supports on/off FSAA, using DirectX options that support that feature. Bit of a performance hit for my lowly machine, but it can be toggled.
Many thanks for the work you put in this mod!

I just downloaded the mod from AoP CT: Historical Immersion Mod v5.0 Standalone file, unzipped it, confirmed that I have the redistributables, run it, and found out that it crashes with the message

"Gentlemen of Fortune ERAS has stopped working".

This on a Toshiba laptop with Windows 10 x64, and nVidia GTX 950m.

Upon further investigation, I found out that I can only run it with Integrated Graphics (Intel HD Graphics 5000 in my case). If I try to run it with the nVidia driver (version 390.65, about a month old), it crashes with the above message.

Would definitely like to be able to run it with nVidia, your help would be appreciated.
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An additional issue is this: playing with integrated graphics I can see that vsync is off.

Additional to my question on whether it is possible to run this amazing mod with the nVidia driver, I would appreciate input on whether it is possible to turn vsync on.
@paravantis First of All, have you run it in compatibility mode with Windows Xp SP3? If you have and it still gives you trouble, try running in compatibility mode with windows XP SP2. Second of all, I ran my copy on an Nvidia based Windows 10 and Windows 8 system and it worked fine. I'm not sure that the Ge-force functions in the driver would work, those options you force the game to perform you do so at your own risk; since I was unaware that those options could be forced in older games that didn't have those options.
I confirm that I have been running it in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode, per the README-INSTALL-FEATURES.docx instructions.

I tried running it with XP SP2 compatibility, and it bombed again, with the same error message.

I noticed that it crashes after showing the small blue screen with the ship on it, and the various messages, and before the video with the white numbers on the black background (1CLogo.wmv). Thus, I thought that it might be the intro videos that cause the crash.

So I followed the instructions in the docx document and uncommented the following code in seadogs.c in order to skip introductory videos:

InterfaceStates.skipintromovies = 1;
InterfaceStates.videoIdx = 1;

Problem solved, the game is not crashing with the nVidia driver anymore!

I am very thankful for your response, and willing to try anything in order to investigate the problem further.
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Problem solved, the game is not crashing with the nVidia driver anymore!

I am very thankful for your response, and willing to try anything in order to investigate the problem further.

First, I am glad that you were able to find a workaround. While in CT you likely won't have further issue, I do know that other games, like the Peter Blood quest in AoP 2 still make use of videos, so I am concerned those probably won't work for anyone using similar hardware, so I am a bit distressed to learn this because it would completely ruin the ability to even play that character.

The original game used ddraw to render videos to screen, but that solution was at or near end-of-life around DirectX 7 moving to DirectX 8, and has long since been deprecated and was even removed from the DirectX 9 SDK. Therefore, I rewrote the game to remove ddraw from the equation and use another method for rendering video. However, I don't have any nVidia hardware, so was unaware this caused a problem and also have no way to troubleshoot/debug the problem and fix it.

Moving on the vsynch. Right now, you will never get that to work because of the DirectX PresentationLevel being used right now. The original game made use of a level that would allow vsynch to work in fullscreen mode (I believe DirectX 9 in windowed mode would still disallow/ignore vsynch). But, in my tests, that PresentationLevel created worse tearing for me, so I changed it to a setting that worked better (even though I still get tearing on my machine, it is much better than it was before). But, with that setting, it is now impossible for a video setting to enable vsynch. Again, even if I changed it back, you can still only get vsynch in fullscreen mode, because windowed mode always makes it moot; it is also impossible right now, for any user to override the PresentationLevel the game uses right now.

I suppose a compromise might be to provide some sort of .ini setting that a user to set that states you want to use vsynch, and if you toggle it on, run fullscreen, it would at least then use a PresentationLevel that is amenable to vsynch, but that is not currently available in the download you have.
Thanks for your response, from the information that you kindly provided I would say that VSync may be ignored for the moment; it is not such a big deal.

Otherwise, let me know if I may be of help in trying out any solutions for the videos. An nVidia user can always force the game to run in Integrated Graphics, so a pinch solution is available.

I look forward to hearing more from you, on this most amazing mod!
Hey guys, I have a favour to ask: could one of you please ZIP and upload the "Program" folder of HIM v5.0 for me, or provide me with an active torrent download of the mod (if such a thing exists)?

I'm having trouble downloading the whopping 6 GBs via HTTP (the connection keeps breaking half-way through), and I need it as reference/help to see how you've accomplished to remove the 'reappearing bonfires on the water' bug that @ChezJfrey fixed for CT.