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end quest problem with cozumel


So i've trvelled through the temple, and made it to the square, i place the idol down but nothing happens…

I can place it down infinte times…

There's suppose to be a cutscene once i do this, but instead i can walk straight into the room where danielle is and then get told to go to redmond (jamiaca) … no quest changes, nothing...

So not too sure what's happeing… please help?!?!?!?!


  • -=Scubba1=- QuickSave 14.rar
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You got turned around mate thats all xD included save from my end.

Edit: Actually something has gone squiffy here the portals in the alcove arent working , throw us a safe from before you entered the temple and i will run through it again to make sure it wasent a one off thing.

:beer: just walk ahead into the corridor to the next area it might look like a dead end but its not

If the hallway looks like this then you turned around are going the wrong way again.


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Ayup! I take careful note of the plants before dropping that token so I go the right direction afterwards.

The portals were not working? I can not remember a time when they did not work. Plus no saves? Save often!
dont have any saves from before i entered, if theres nothing to be done, then not to worry about it. :)

Its ok there is still hope , i used a work around with side step enabled to bypass the portals and i have a save in the final chamber right before the end cutscene which triggers the black pearl.

Here is the save if you want it just load it up and see how it goes. (it worked for me so it shoulld be good)


  • -=Scubba1=- QuickSave 2.7z
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Ayup! I take careful note of the plants before dropping that token so I go the right direction afterwards.

The portals were not working? I can not remember a time when they did not work. Plus no saves? Save often!

The portals have not worked for me before and i had to start all over from my save on the world map before i went to the island. I think its one of those problems with alot of the quest lines where if you deviate from the quest like go to your ship or backtrack parts of the quest it will stop working.
Hello folks!
First problem, first post :)
It seems I've got the same problem Scubba-Steve discribed and Red Back Dude solved :(
I started the quest from several save points before but the cut scene remains missing, so is the teleporting effect within the alcove.
Maybe I'm lucky and one of you marbelous pirate gods can help me?!
The last saving is just at the room to place the idol (see attachement).

One addition: You guys did a awewome job enabling to play this game on Windows 8.1. - thank you all a lot! Yo-ho!


  • -=Tankelizer=- Cozumel.zip
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I started the quest from several save points before but the cut scene remains missing, so is the teleporting effect within the alcove.
Maybe I'm lucky and one of you marbelous pirate gods can help me?!
Which modpack version are you using? I remember some Build 14 Beta versions having a problem there that I fixed a while back.
But I don't remember if I did that fix before or after the Beta 3.4 public release.

One addition: You guys did a awewome job enabling to play this game on Windows 8.1. - thank you all a lot! Yo-ho!
We can take credit for a lot, but not that. Even the unmodded game works on recent Windows versions. :shrug
Ya I ran into that problem not long after this thread was posted and it was quickly fixed as I recall.
Ya I ran into that problem not long after this thread was posted and it was quickly fixed as I recall.
If it is the problem I think it was, then it was a nasty one because it couldn't be fixed without starting a new game.
It was an error with the "initialization order" at the start of the game, which threw everything out of whack after that.
I remember spending a fair bit of time figuring out what was messing things up.

Assuming you remember the dates correctly, I expect that I fixed it AFTER Beta 3.4 was released.
What I remember is posting here about it always working for me, and then getting stuck too soon after.
Which modpack version are you using? I remember some Build 14 Beta versions having a problem there that I fixed a while back.
But I don't remember if I did that fix before or after the Beta 3.4 public release.

It's Build 14 Beta 3.3

If it is the problem I think it was, then it was a nasty one because it couldn't be fixed without starting a new game.

That's sad. But I guess in that case I'll just leave Cozumel and search for some other men in need of a sharp sword...or take over some cities.

We can take credit for a lot, but not that. Even the unmodded game works on recent Windows versions. :shrug

The original game didn't run on my machine - so, take that credit from me :)
When you feel like starting a new game again, or internal Beta 4 WIP has a lot of improvements to offer! :woot
Isn't Beta 4 WIP still in progress?

Reading this....
This version is relatively close to being ready for public release. It still needs final testing, fine-tuning and finishing!

...I don't want to install the package and to start over again after the progress is finished and I need to re-install again :/
Isn't Beta 4 WIP still in progress?
Yes, it is. You may have to start a new game once in a while when a new update is posted and that is admittedly quite annoying for everyone (including us developers).
But it cannot be helped. At least Beta 4 does have a LOT of new fixes and improvements. And by playing it, you can help us find what is wrong so that we can fix it before the public release.
So joining the Beta 4 players would definitely be very welcome, because there are a whole bunch of things we need checked and that gets done quicker when there are more people helping out.

You don't need to make a complete reinstall when a new update is posted; you can just download the latest EXE and install it as "update only".
Hmmm, 4 years later and I'm on the latest Build 14 Beta 4.0, having this issue again. I'm standing in front of the Idol square thing and can't do anything. Any ideas why?
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Beta 4.0 is not the latest! Besides, if you have the mod in which female player characters meet Nathaniel instead of Danielle then you're not playing Beta 4.0. ;)

Did you have the conversation with Nathaniel and Clement about going different ways through the labyrinth, back when you entered the temple? It's difficult to avoid that as it's triggered by walking onto a certain area, and it's a pretty big area which is almost impossible to miss, but someone once managed to miss it anyway.

Another thought - if you're standing in front of the square, have you tried walking onto it?
Beta 4.0 is not the latest! Besides, if you have the mod in which female player characters meet Nathaniel instead of Danielle then you're not playing Beta 4.0. ;)

Sorry, I'm whichever one is the latest. It says Beta 4.0 so I guessed it was.

Did you have the conversation with Nathaniel and Clement about going different ways through the labyrinth, back when you entered the temple? It's difficult to avoid that as it's triggered by walking onto a certain area, and it's a pretty big area which is almost impossible to miss, but someone once managed to miss it anyway.

Another thought - if you're standing in front of the square, have you tried walking onto it?

Yes yes yes and yes. I've attached my save files; one from in the room with the square and another from before the temple. Neither seem to work.

EDIT: Just loaded a save from before the whole engagement with Silehard and the same thing is happening at the idol square; nothing.

EDIT 2: I'm an idiot. I didn't have the Extra Fixes file unpacked properly so that's probably why. I can't check because now my saves are incompatible so I will rush the storyline to see if this fixes it and report back!


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