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Gate closed because of maroons?


Storm Modder
I am in the final stage of the game and as Poe I'm trying to join Legrand and Jupiter for the treasure search, but when I already have my new 2-barrelled pistol loaded and equipped, whenever I approach the gate, soldier stops me saying it's closed closed because of maroons and I cannot pass. The wiki walkthrough doesn't mention such situation and now I'm stuck.
I think I have fixed it. Please use this file instead and if possible a savegame just approach the gate.
Once the pistol is loaded the gate should now remain open. Even if you unload the pistol later.


  • closed gate fix.7z
    78.1 KB · Views: 284
Thanks, it worked, I reloaded before opening the box and then Poe started a dialog I haven't seen before and gate was open.
No freeplay after story though? I was a bit surprised, planned to make good use of that treasure.:treasure:
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Well, what should you do after the story. Spend all that money? On what?
Your not in the standard POTC gameworld either - so it's not even possible to sail away.
The only extra you get is a pdf file of Poe's story. :read
@Jack Rackham: Might it be an idea to teleport the player to, say, Eleuthera at the end and give him a boat of some kind?
Then at least people can continue to play if they really want to.
After all, "allow play after the end" was the very first mod ever made for PotC. ;)

@fjx: If you want it, you can use console GiveShip2Character and DoQuestReload to put yourself with a ship in the normal game world.
Not sure if there may be any unintended side-effects from doing that, but I reckon it should be possible. :doff
I tried to teleport myself to some normal game world location using F4 location choice, but Jupiter standing still and Poe sleeping on the floor (and snoring) "followed" me to every location.
Probably some "storyline reset" code would be needed then.

You have a savegame at the end of the story?
I have to think it over carefully.

After all it's a real short-story of Poe which in my opinion should end as a game too.

Is it fun continue playing being rich as a troll? What would you do?
Well, ending the game with sudden death of main character for no reason and not being able to resume is pretty confusing in my opinion. Unless Legrand simply got a heart attack after seeing all those riches.