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Solved Kidnapping Problem

Drew Cooper

Howdy all, recently been replaying POTC, man a lot has changed since Build 9 ;) you guys truly have done a fantastic job! Anyways I've been playing through the 'Assassin' storyline and have run into a little bit of a problem, after rescuing the Spanish envoy from Roche's village home and exiting the building, Nicholas Butcher is supposed to initiate dialogue before fighting more pirates, however after exiting, no dialogue is initiated and I am unable to advance the quest any further or leave the area. Help!! I've taken the liberty of uploading a save - game right inside the house, and I will upload the system log files ASAP, Thanks for the help, and once again GREAT JOB with the mod, seriously it is one of the best mods for any game I've ever played.

edit: uploaded compile and system log files, also forgot to mention I am playing on build 14 beta 3.2


  • KidnappingSave.rar
    626.6 KB · Views: 308
  • compile.log
    3.9 KB · Views: 298
  • system.log
    1.5 KB · Views: 315
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Howdy Hylie, yeah in the compile.log file I've uploaded I'm guessing that this . . .
ERROR: unidentified condition type()
Actor error: character <Nicholas Butcher> now is do template <goto>, his not is free for new task
ActorDialog got error in type_actor_error
Quest name cesariogo FOUND in QuestComplete
SETTING MUSIC: music_hol_town
SETTING MUSIC: music_hol_town
Template <goto> -> timeout for chr.id = Nicholas Butcher
Template <goto> -> teleport chr.id = Nicholas Butcher to <officers : reload2_2>

is the source of all my problems, :confused:
I've completed the "Assassin" storyline under Beta 3.2, so that can't be a constant problem. Do you have a saved game from before you go to Curacao?

Do you have any officers with you? I can't remember now whether I had any trouble at that point in the "Assassin" story, but I do remember "Horatio Hornblower" having a similar problem when I had an officer with me. (Which is probably why that storyline tries to prevent me from hiring any officers, but it failed. :)) With the officer present, someone who was supposed to initiate a dialogue with me failed to do so; after I reloaded a recently saved game and took the officer out of my active list, the dialogue was properly initiated. Try loading a saved game from at least before you go into Roche's house, take any of your own officers out of the active list, then proceed with the rescue and see what happens.
Hey Grey Roger , that's an interesting theory, I had been having a problem of temporary disappearing officers occasionally throughout my previous play - through of 'Tales of a Sea Hawk' but it never really turned into a major issue. Unfortunately I did not have a previous save game (I know! :modding) and after poring over the game files last night for a few tedious hours, I decided it would probably be quicker to do a full re - install of Build 14, luckily this time I upgraded to 3.3! So hopefully that combined with a fresh install will solve my problem. I plan on skipping ahead in the story to do that specific quest and running it just to be certain, I've searched through the forums and haven't come across a similar issue at this part so I'm praying it was just a "glitch in the matrix".

edit: Just tried running Kidnapping again and it worked perfectly fine :cheers
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