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Who did Bartolomeu arrest

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
As reported in the thread Time travel, we're told in the "Assassin" timeline that Bartolomeu arrested Nathaniel Hawk, who had been causing trouble near Concepcion. This makes no sense for all sorts of reasons. One is that Hawk's own storyline is set almost a century later. Another is that one of the side quests of that has Hawk assisting Bartolomeu. And the political situation in Hawk's storyline has Britain, Holland and Portugal allied against France and Spain, with Hawk (at least initially) aligned with Britain.

I suggest altering the text in the "Assassin" story so that Bartolomeu has arrested someone else. Possibly Captain Hook, if we want another playable character to be the victim. Or some villain not currently named in the game, e.g. Long John Silver. Or just make up a new name.
If I change a reference about Hawk in the assassin storyline I also need to change the name of Hawk in the Bartolomeu storyline. I'll check that this afternoon and send you the updated files.
Done. I sent the update to Pieter. I changed the name of Nathaniel Hawk to Charles Baxter in both storylines (Bartolomeu and Assassin)
True. But I figured you might want to replace a known character name with another known one.
Thanks! Any chance of getting the updated files, from either of you, so I can graft them onto my existing game without needing to restart from scratch? Assuming they'll take effect at once (possibly after a F11 reset), I can then test them pretty quickly, being just at that point in the game where I find out about Nat... er, Charles. :rpirate
True. But I figured you might want to replace a known character name with another known one.
Not really. Anyway, there are already some real pirates in my storylines. Frankly, I prefer to focus my work on the Cartagena quest instead of spending my time again on this work.

Here's the file @Grey Roger

EDIT: seeing you won't start a new game. I think the quest texts won't be updated but only the dialogues.


  • update december 15th.zip
    58.5 KB · Views: 265
Thanks for the update. And it's also about time I said thanks for the whole "Assassin" storyline as I've had a lot of fun with it! The choice of two endings is a particularly nice touch.
One small detail appears to have been overlooked - Bartolomeu's sword. Allow me to do the honours. :doff

This is to go into "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\English". It came from the Beta 3.3 download of 9th November, so if any other changes have been made to the file since then, you'll need to edit the more recent file. Find "Sword of Bartolomeu" and replace "Nathaniel Hawk" with "Charles Baxter". This makes Bartolomeu's sword consistent with the revised history of Bartolomeu in the "Assassin" and "Bartolomeu" quests.


  • ItemsDescribe.txt
    57.5 KB · Views: 321
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I didn't think of it myself until I'd got to the part in the "Assassin" storyline where you catch Bartolomeu in the act of trying to release Roxanne Lalliere from Puerto Cruz fort, at which point I saved game so I could play it both ways. When I went down the path of killing Bartolomeu and being rewarded by the vice admiral and governor, I got Bartolomeu's sword and checked it in the inventory to see how it compared to my Poseidon sword. That's when I found out the sword hadn't been told who Bartolomeu really arrested. :D

Meanwhile I'm now doing another round of proof-reading. Partly to catch errors in the dialogue files which I missed first time and partly to check the quest book files, now I know where they are!