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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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[REQ] mod idea


IDEA 1. i was wondering if someone was possibly working on a small narrow route through the island to get to the port that seems to cut off from everywhere else at the very bottom of the map.

IDEA 2. also making the AWE black pearl sails that are patched up with maybe a darker deck
IDEA 3. does anyone if it is possible have fog in the game if so let me know.
IDEA 4. what about caves to moor ships in when your a pirate tying to get into an enemy port.
IDEA1: I dont get what you mean
IDEA2: DONE! Its in the Build Mod just needs to be ported (not hard to learn how to do, just look at Storm Engine Modelling for tutorial)
IDEA3: There is already fog in the game... its why ships appear to be white sometimes :shrug
IDEA4: The Build Mod has a cave that is going to maybe be used like this

NOTE: Most of the experienced modders are too busy doing work on the Build Mod so the easiest way is to try and learn yourself and we will try and help you ;)
IDEA 1.(explination)

go onto world map, press tab and scroll right down to the bottom of the map, there you will see two very close ports, (go along the bottom of the map is you cant see first time) the port on the opposite side has no way to get to it, why not sure so i wanted to know if someone could make a narrow river type pass through the island to get there.
i think you mean panama? if so there is a way to get to it over land,and the realism nutters
would not like having a canal connecting 2 oceans that weren't connected back then.but it would be nice to get
to panama on sea,i get lost far too easy on land :razz
does anyone know if the modders are possibly working on a shipwreck cove kind of area, like in At Worlds End


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Think yer askin' fer a Panama Canal mod, maybe so ye kin send o'er yer aircraft carrier?! :facepalm
does anyone know if the modders are possibly working on a shipwreck cove kind of area, like in At Worlds End
The answer to that would be no... Im the storyline editor for the Build Mod Jack Sparrow storyline and I will probably use the CoAS as Shipwreck cove

I have also merged your "New Mod Idea" topic with your "Mod Idea" topic as its pretty much the same thing and are both your topics