• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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:rofl That's what's been stopping me from grabbing a copy of Assassin's Creed. :yes I've heard it phones home continuously, making the game lag like crazy.
Phones home? :? What do you mean by that? How can a program call you home where it gets your phone number? :wacko:
That's what's been stopping me from grabbing a copy of Assassin's Creed.
I've heard it phones home continuously, making the game lag like crazy.

Is that a ET reference? Will the game glue a gun to my telephone when I am not looking, and then call me in the middle of the night?

I just play the game on my friends PS3. Annoys him like hell.
Amount of land needed to power the world in 2030: 497,000 sqaure kilometers..
Total Area of Sweden: Total: 449,964 sq km land
Solution: Kick the Swedes out and turn Sweden into a gaint Solar Power Plant.