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An ambitious project

Now I seem to have managed to get myself into a quest loop. After rescuing Roxanne from the fort and joining with Johan Elting,
I went back to the fort, where Johan Elting started his in-jail talk again, this time outside the fort.
What ?! :facepalm

Do you know the reason ? :?
Understood.. :yes Anyway, when you talk to the Spanish Governor he tells you the Fort's Captain has got the jail's keys. Maybe, I could delay the reload on the Eleuthera fort during 10 sec for instance so that the player can read the quest text.. :shrug
We need a better solution. Maybe make it so you CAN view the Questbook while "in danger". Alternatively, if Realistic Game Mode is on, you wouldn't be "In Danger" immediately, but only when you get close to the enemies. That might actually HELP in that case.

What ?! :facepalm
Do you know the reason ? :?
No idea really. Maybe there's no code to prevent that from happening? Haven't looked into it too deeply though...
Based on this, it appears like Roxanne should talk to you and then Elting should talk.
Since Elting DOES talk when executing the quest case manually,
it sounds to me like the main issue is that Roxanne doesn't talk while she should.
Correct me if I'm wrong though...

Pieter / Bartolomeu / Talisman

Roxanne does not talk when she is supposed to.

I added one line to the code as follows and it works for me:
case "open_fortjailbis":
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(CharacterFromID("Roxanne Lalliere"), "Quest_Fort_prison", "goto", "goto9");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Roxanne Lalliere")].dialog.currentnode = "begin_92";
Locations[FindLocation("Quest_FortVRight")].reload.l3.disable = 0;
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition.l1 = "location";
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition.l1.location = "Quest_Fort_prison";
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition = "mudar_roupa";
LAi_ActorWaitDialog(characterFromID("Roxanne Lalliere"), pchar);

Feel free to test and add to the next patch if you are happy it works.
What kind of a useless character is this captain Montbars? He keeps dying! :whipa
Roxanne is also really good at dying. Maybe they could be coded to be actual officers of yours instead of actors who follow you.
That way, it'd be possible to supply them with plenty potions and possibly better weapons if necessary.

Edit: Holy moly! I can even kill Roxanne myself! :shock
And now I seem to have gotten a mutiny! In the fight in the Aguadilla fortress, I accidentally hit one of my crewmembers.
Now everybody is angry at me and trying to kill me, including Montbars. Of course Roxanne already died again. :facepalm
It seems that this part of the storyline is rather challenging, but I'm not convinced it's for the right reason. :modding

The next time, I finally managed to keep Roxanne and Montbars alive, but either some of my crew hit me or I accidentally hit them,
but even during the dialog with Montbars, they keep hacking away at me. :shock

Edit: Oops, nope I didn't save Roxanne. I think the crew might've killed her.
Attacking your own crew !!!- what type of captain are you :rofl

Best thing is to let the crew do most of the fighting

In 1st part of Aguadilla fortress I got to the ground as fast as possible - kill Spanish sentry at door - then go up steps and attack any surviving Spanish from behind

In 2nd part of Aguadilla fortress - I found it best to run straight through Spanish to far end - then turn round draw sword and attack from behind - being careful NOT to hit my own crew. xD:
I don't INTENTIONALLY attack my own crew! :whipa
Anyway, usually my own crew is part of my own "group", in which case I cannot do damage to them and they cannot get angry with me.
However, it seems that this is not the case in these parts of the storyline and I think that should be added.

As for letting my crew do most of the fighting, that sounds fair enough.
But how do you prevent Roxanne and Montbars dying? Because almost every time, they're dead very quickly. :facepalm
Well, I finished the storyline up until Gaetan Andrieux telling me the story of Davy Jones getting the idol that Bartolomeu had throw in the water aaaages ago.
We need a better solution. Maybe make it so you CAN view the Questbook while "in danger". Alternatively, if Realistic Game Mode is on, you wouldn't be "In Danger" immediately, but only when you get close to the enemies. That might actually HELP in that case.
and how do you do this ? :cheeky

About Montbars and Roxanne, I can temporarily turn them immortal because I don't want them as officers of Bartolomeu...

To Cap'n Cook :

I'll test your fix for Roxanne... :doff
The code defining what is and isn't disabled is in the PROGRAM\INTERFACE files and looks like this:
// MAXIMUS interface MOD -->
SetSelectable("I_SHIP", !LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm() && hasShip); // KK
// KK SetSelectable("I_NATIONS",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("I_TRADEBOOK",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("I_QUESTBOOK",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
//SetSelectable("I_SHIPLOG",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("I_SHIPLOG", false);
SetSelectable("RENAMEBOX",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetNodeUsing("B_CHARNAME",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("B_CHARNAME",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
// MAXIMUS interface MOD <--
All we'd need to do is find all the ones related to the questbook and change or remove them.
While we're at it, why don't we consider all interfaces and decide whether you should or shouldn't be able to view them?
Personally, I actually think there isn't much harm in actually removing all of the above and just allowing the player to view any interface.
Sure there's no real POINT in viewing your cargo hold while you're fighting, but why should we prevent the player from doing so?

As for Montbars and Roxanne, temporary immortality would indeed solve the problem.
However, you would then have two immortals on your side during the fights, which does remove the challenge.
Ideally, both of them would be good enough to hold their own in a fight, but not so good that they do all the work.
But that might be a bit tricky balancing-wise to make it challenging, but not near impossible.
So maybe temporary immortality would indeed be better. :shrug
We need a better solution. Maybe make it so you CAN view the Questbook while "in danger". Alternatively, if Realistic Game Mode is on, you wouldn't be "In Danger" immediately, but only when you get close to the enemies. That might actually HELP in that case.

and how do you do this ? :cheeky

After speaking to the governor - the Fort movie is started immediately you hit the governor - could this be delayed - make the player walk to the door ( or a window ) before the Fort movie is triggered - as this would give time for the player to look at the questbook etc. :shrug

As for Montbars and Roxanne, temporary immortality would indeed solve the problem.
However, you would then have two immortals on your side during the fights, which does remove the challenge.
Ideally, both of them would be good enough to hold their own in a fight, but not so good that they do all the work.
But that might be a bit tricky balancing-wise to make it challenging, but not near impossible.
So maybe temporary immortality would indeed be better. :shrug

Would it help if at the Aguadilla fortress in the 1st section the player was spawned closer to Roxanne & Montabars ( or they were placed closer to the player ). At the moment the player is at one end of the wall and everyone else is at the other end.

In the 2nd section - perhaps if the Spanish soldiers were placed over the 2 floors, instead of being all on the ground floor it might make things a bit easier. :dance

I did not realise Roxanne could be killed. :shock I thought she was immortal as she is in the earlier part of the storyline ( I think )

Could also give Montbars & Roxanne some armour :shrug
After speaking to the governor - the Fort movie is started immediately you hit the governor - could this be delayed - make the player walk to the door ( or a window ) before the Fort movie is triggered - as this would give time for the player to look at the questbook etc. :shrug
See my previous post. I think this can and should be solved in a different way that doesn't require adapting the storyline to silly code in the game but adapting the silly code in the game to the storyline so it ends up not being silly anymore. ;)
When executing this code, the Spanish Governor does appear properly in the Alice Town townhall:
	LAi_SetLoginTime(CharacterFromID("Spanish Governor"), 0.0, 24.0); // Talisman
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(CharacterFromID("spanish_soldier_04"), "none", "", "");	
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(CharacterFromID("Spanish Governor"), "Quest_Eleuthera_townhall", "goto", "goto7");			
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Quest_Eleuthera_townhall", "reload", "reload1", "danscamarabis");
So adding this line in the character init file as suggested by Talisman works nicely:
LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0); // Talisman

However, even with Cap'n Cook's fix line, Roxanne still doesn't talk.
The "danger" icon is still active and Roxanne is cowering; that might have something to do with it. :whipa

Edit: That DOES have something to do with it. And the reason is that your outfit doesn't change until AFTER the location reload into the prison.
Your old outfit is of the "camouflage" type, which makes you hard to see, but ALSO makes everybody angry at you. INCLUDING Roxanne!
Another code recommendation: Use LAi_SetWarriorType for the Fort Captain so that he fights back instead of cowers in fear!

It's possible to get Roxanne to talk properly, but you have to swap character models BEFORE going into the prison,
otherwise she cowers and you can't talk. I've been trying this, but for whatever maddened reason, it's not working:
		case "open_fortjailbis":		
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(CharacterFromID("Roxanne Lalliere"), "Quest_Fort_prison", "goto", "goto9");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Roxanne Lalliere")].dialog.currentnode = "begin_92";		 
Locations[FindLocation("Quest_FortVRight")].reload.l3.disable = 0;
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition.l1 = "location";
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition.l1.location = "Quest_Fort_prison";
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition = "mudar_roupa";
LAi_ActorWaitDialog(characterFromID("Roxanne Lalliere"), pchar); // Cap'n Cook

// PB -->
pchar.quest.change_model.win_condition.l1.location = "Quest_FortVRight";
pchar.quest.change_model.win_condition.l1.locator_group = "reload";
pchar.quest.change_model.win_condition.l1.locator = "reload2";
Pchar.quest.change_model.win_condition = "change_model";

case "change_model":
SetModelfromArray(&pchar, GetModelIndex("GypsyCaptn_5"));			
// PB <--

case "mudar_roupa":
GiveItem2Character(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "bladex4");   
EquipCharacterByItem(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "bladex4");
GiveItem2Character(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "pistolrock");   
EquipCharacterByItem(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "pistolrock");
This does work, but it gives a rather weird impression to swap character models as soon as you get those fort keys. :modding
case "open_fortjailbis":		
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(CharacterFromID("Roxanne Lalliere"), "Quest_Fort_prison", "goto", "goto9");
Characters[GetCharacterIndex("Roxanne Lalliere")].dialog.currentnode = "begin_92";		 
Locations[FindLocation("Quest_FortVRight")].reload.l3.disable = 0;
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition.l1 = "location";
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition.l1.location = "Quest_Fort_prison";
Pchar.quest.outfit_prison.win_condition = "mudar_roupa";
LAi_ActorWaitDialog(characterFromID("Roxanne Lalliere"), pchar); // Cap'n Cook
SetModelfromArray(&pchar, GetModelIndex("GypsyCaptn_5"));			

case "mudar_roupa":
GiveItem2Character(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "bladex4");   
EquipCharacterByItem(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "bladex4");
GiveItem2Character(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "pistolrock");   
EquipCharacterByItem(CharacterFromId("Roxanne Lalliere"), "pistolrock");
With all these fixes, I'm a bit lost :facepalm

Could anyone make a list of all the bugs found in the last part of the Bartolomeu Main Quest (check this topic from here and the bug tracker for that) and tell me which ones are already fixed and included in the next update for the Build mod and which ones are not already fixed because the fix is not perfect for now)..

Btw :
Sorry, my head is in the assassin main quest at the moment :modding
Find here my current PROGRAM and RESOURCE\INI files:
It contains all reported fixes for your storyline,
as well as some slight modifications of mine and an experiment for one problem that isn't yet fully fixed.

Go to Puerto la Cruz town gate – inside Spanish soldier talks to you – MOVIE – talk to Governor – MOVIE – QB Update
(BUG Beta 1 patch 1- governor does not appear after the Movie see Ambitious Project thread in Bartolomeu Storyline Forum POST 663 )
Fixed by Talisman by putting this code in the character init file:
LAi_SetLoginTime(ch, 0.0, 24.0); // Talisman

Go to prison at bottom of stairs. - Enter – go to Roxanne she talks to you – Elting talks to you – KILL him OR be FRIENDS with him – Roxanne talks to you. QB Update
(BUG Beta 1 patch 1- Roxanne does not talk to you & Elting does not appear in the Prison and see Ambitious Project thread in Bartolomeu Storyline Forum POST 671 )
Not yet properly fixed. Attempted fix in my folders, which does seem to work, but appears weird.
See this post: http://forum.piratesahoy.net//topic/11556-an-ambitious-project/page__view__findpost__p__371219
The main problem seems to be when you still have the "camouflage" outfit on when reloading into the prison, Roxanne cowers and doesn't talk.

Sail to Isla de Muerte,
(BUG Beta 1 patch 1 – Isla de Muerte does not appear and access to grotto not possible - see Ambitious Project thread in Bartolomeu Storyline Forum POSTS 708, 729, 732 )
Fixed; files included in my folders (see above).
Go to town hall – talk to Ogeron – transported to jetty –Ogeron, Roxanne, Fontaines run up –
Ogeron talks to you (BUG Beta 1 patch 1 in Ogeron dialog - see Ambitious Project thread in Bartolomeu Storyline Forum POST 734 )
Fix included in my folders

Then Fontaines talks & leaves – then Roxanne talks & leaves – QB Update
( too many people generated in Tortuga Port can stop Ogeron, Fontaines & Roxanne appearing on Jetty – if this happens go back and try again.)
Not fixed.

Sail to St Pierre, Maritnique – go to tavern - talk to Gaetan Andrieux – Movie – talk to Gaetan Andrieux again.
(BUG Beta 1 patch 1 - Esteban not appearing - see Ambitious Project thread in Bartolomeu Storyline Forum POST 742)
Not fixed.

Now I seem to have managed to get myself into a quest loop. After rescuing Roxanne from the fort and joining with Johan Elting,
I went back to the fort, where Johan Elting started his in-jail talk again, this time outside the fort.
Not fixed.

Fort Captain doesn't fight back, but only cowers.
Code recommendation: Use LAi_SetWarriorType for the Fort Captain so that he fights back instead of cowers in fear!
Included in my folders.

Roxanne and Montbars die too easily in the story fights (fort).
Not yet fixed.

Your crew isn't coded as being YOUR crew. Therefore, if you accidentally hit them, they'll get angry and start fighting back.
Not yet fixed.

Not able to read your questbook when the "danger" icon is flashing results in not knowing what to do next for "Mission Impossible".
Method for properly fixing here: http://forum.piratesahoy.net//topic/11556-an-ambitious-project/page__view__findpost__p__371091
I didn't do this yet, but I'll look into it. You don't need to worry about that one. :no
Do you or anyone else have any opinion on the following matter?
The code defining what is and isn't disabled is in the PROGRAM\INTERFACE files and looks like this:
// MAXIMUS interface MOD -->
SetSelectable("I_SHIP", !LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm() && hasShip); // KK
// KK SetSelectable("I_NATIONS",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("I_TRADEBOOK",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("I_QUESTBOOK",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
//SetSelectable("I_SHIPLOG",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("I_SHIPLOG", false);
SetSelectable("RENAMEBOX",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetNodeUsing("B_CHARNAME",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
SetSelectable("B_CHARNAME",!LAi_IsBoardingProcess() && !LAi_group_IsActivePlayerAlarm());
// MAXIMUS interface MOD <--
All we'd need to do is find all the ones related to the questbook and change or remove them.
While we're at it, why don't we consider all interfaces and decide whether you should or shouldn't be able to view them?
Personally, I actually think there isn't much harm in actually removing all of the above and just allowing the player to view any interface.
Sure there's no real POINT in viewing your cargo hold while you're fighting, but why should we prevent the player from doing so?