• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by Arigard

  1. A

    Pirates! CD Key Location

    could there possibly be a more annoying place to put a cd key? dam you Atari! they did it with NWN too! On the manual??? jeez. i lose manuals like they're going out of style!
  2. A

    Anyone feel like they have done everything?

    <!--`QuoteBegin-Cap`'n Toast+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cap'n Toast)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->the traveler still gives you info about ports from time to time.  I wish they had kept the option to keep pirates for ransom or to send them to prison. But I certainly think...
  3. A

    Anyone feel like they have done everything?

    one of the things i noticed that seems to make the game repeditive is abusing the save option. It gets boring if you're never in danger of losing anything ever. Once in a while it's good to get your arse kicked, and lose your flagship. It gets more interesting when you lose a few battles and...
  4. A

    errr... How do you purchase new ships?

    ^^ wouldn't that mean you'd be stuck with a sloop for the whole game? I would think what you're saying would be cool but wouldn't you need a couple trade galleons to make it worth your while? And in order to get those, you'd have to fire a few shots here and there =)
  5. A

    errr... How do you purchase new ships?

    actually, after playing this game quite a bit more, i've realised that purchasing ships would be a bad idea anyways. I think it would be far too easy to just find a bunch of burried treasure, take out a bunch of merchant ships, and then just go buy the most powerful warship in the game. It's...
  6. A

    What difficulty?

    the beauty of it is that if you find it too easy you can just divide and plunder and select a harder one
  7. A

    How do ship battles compare to Sea Dogs or POTC?

    i got absolutely owned in the first pirate battle i got in. Once i upgraded a bit i was able to take care of one. It's great how you can click on the pirate you defeated in the status menu and it'll show you how you dusted him.
  8. A

    What a Game. Simply Amazing

    Chase cam works fine for me. Barton 2500 1 gig Ram nforce2 mobo radeon 9800pro i've jacked everything up. The graphical complaint i have is that AA don't work. When i turn it on the ingame videos flicker like crazy.
  9. A

    errr... How do you purchase new ships?

    ^^ Exactly. I haven't played the game much i will admit, but this one minor detail has been nagging me. I don't want to have to steal/capture every single ship in my fleet.
  10. A

    errr... How do you purchase new ships?

    ok, how though? every time i go to the shipwright, i can only upgrade and/or sell.
  11. A

    errr... How do you purchase new ships?

    ok, well, i was exaggerating. Obviously you can't get anywhere in the game without doign some killing once in a while. You do make a good point. Still, there should be a way to BUY ships no?
  12. A

    errr... How do you purchase new ships?

    that's kind of silly that you can't buy ships. What if you want to play the game as a trader? you have to get in fights to get more ships? no no. there must be a way to buy ships. there HAS to be.
  13. A

    errr... How do you purchase new ships?

    Am i missing something? Every port i go to the shipright only offers to fix and upgrade my current ship. How do i buy new ones?