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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by rally9981

  1. R

    [HELP] Need explanation for a few ship stat

    Thx for the help guys! ^^ Man, women really know how to tire me down, whether they are 2D or 3D. Now I only have to check out the model and animation, since there's no way to know what girl_1 or girl_14 looks like until we see it in game. I do hope that after drowning in thousands code line, I...
  2. R

    [HELP] Need explanation for a few ship stat

    Thx Officerpuppy. T-800: Name the game looks for when searching for the character. // so can i set it to whatever i want or i have to define it somewhere?
  3. R

    [HELP] Need explanation for a few ship stat

    Thx Joe. Anyway, i've stumbled into another puzzle and i have little idea what those parameters mean. Can any1 explain those? NPC_GenerateCharacter("T-800", "skelT", "man", "man2", 55, PIRATE, -1, true); // this is the code to generate terminator as officer...
  4. R

    Need Help [HELP] Enemy never surrenders

    Another problem with enemy fight like mad dog is that it's break the quest where the enemy is supposed to surrender themselves. So far I've only had 1 such quest, and it didn't break the quest completely so it's fine.
  5. R

    [HELP] Need explanation for a few ship stat

    Hi guys, i'm trying to modify ship stat in ships_init.c but there are some stat i don't understand what it does. Can you guys explain them? refShip.sea_enchantment = 1.0; refShip.lowpolycrew = 28; refship.WaterLine= 0.5; refship.WindAgainstSpeed = 1.3;//boal (how is it different from...