• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by rich

  1. R

    Is it just me or is this game a tad easy

    possibly, but i was going on the reputation of Sid M, (which is pretty fantastic). Maybe a more simulation based one would be better but even so this game is too easy, realism asside.
  2. R

    Is it just me or is this game a tad easy

    I can see your point, but I think having to self impose difficulty on a brand new game is, well its not what i paid money for, I did the first time (by accident because its far to easy to so) have letters of teh marque from all nations (this makes the game so easy it should be disabled (also in...
  3. R

    Is it just me or is this game a tad easy

    I never played the original i admit, but i love Sid M's games, i still play colonisation now and again, but this pirate game, mmm. the first couple of days, well not much else in my life happened only pirates, but very soon, and restating at the highesty difficulty i relise how stupidly easy the...