• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by tyroruan

  1. T

    New Install

    ok, so its been a while since i played, and i cant find my disks, GO FIGURE, so i was wandering if the 12.1 download was a stand alone or its dependant on a core install, just wandering... i really didnt want to buy the game again if i didnt have to... <img...
  2. T

    French at oxbay

    it wont let me, it is in the dialog like usual then he gets to " if i ask" or something like that and the conversation ends, my journal updates about making up a story to tell the english gov. , i cant have any other canversations with the barman, and i cant drink with the french guy he says two...
  3. T

    French at oxbay

    Hi this prob. is a stupid question, but what do i have to do when you return to oxbay after the french attack, i talked to the tavern guy and when i talk to him about the french, it updates my journal talking about turning pirate and/ or making up a story for the english govenor... What do i...
  4. T

    Just installed build 12

    i just ran the LangSwitchEnabler after i installed the update, but it just flashed up and thats it, is that supposed to happen, also i have found some other bugs in the game, for one when you leave greenford to go to oxbay through the jungle the door leading out of the city sends you dack to the...
  5. T

    Just installed build 12

    The script for the tavern guy in Falaise de Fleur wont activate it says it cant find it, i did a fresh install, then installed build 12, then i copied the modpack in, but i cant find the LangSwitchEnabler.bat htat it says i need to run after the previous installs... what do i need to do??