• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. K

    Divide and Plunder questions

    Im wondering about the divide and plunder. If I have 8 ships and they are loaded to the rafters, and I divide and plunder, I will lose 7 ships. But are those 7 ships sold off and the gold is added to my treasure total, and what about the goods that those ships are carrying? Is that also...
  2. K

    Okay please explain sword play

    I just got the game today, I've got community build 12, and just starting out I am trying to learn sword play with the character trying to teach it to me in the beginning of the game. But I just dont get it! I draw my sword and I hit the spacebar, but after were done he always suggests that I...
  3. K

    How is the game controlled?

    Since I think the game is now in the near bargain bin, I may have to go pick it up today, but I have questions on how the game uses controls to operate it. Is it much like diablo 2 where you can do most actions with your mouse, or do you needto remember a lot of hotkeys and use the WASD keys...
  4. K

    A minor wish

    Just something that I'd really like to see in the game. 1. A way of docking my uneeded ships instead of selling them off. I'd like to be able to keep Blackbeards ship as a prize and dock it somewhere until I wanted to use it for my self. Even if I had to pay a berthing fee for my docked...
  5. K

    Whats the point of having 8 ships in my fleet?

    Im trying to figure out the rational of keeping 8 ships in my fleet when I can only use one of them in a naval battle. The only thing I can think of is that I can store more "stuff" in the holds of those 8 ships then I could in just 1 ship, but there has to be more reason than that for keeping...