• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. Barty Bugthumper

    Released Uncharted Waters Online

    "Magic" eh? How is that any different than POTC +1 to melee rubies and whatnot? This MMORPG was developed by KOEI and while the gameplay has been updated from the original NES game, the spirit is similar in many ways. Nice thing about this game is by turning down the eye candy just a...
  2. Barty Bugthumper

    Released Uncharted Waters Online

    I've been playing this for a little over a month now and it's been worthwhile in some ways, a huge waste of time in others. Like any MMO, at some point your going to need to grind your skills. The combat is pretty lame, as is the water effects (ie storms and such). On the up side, you can...
  3. Barty Bugthumper

    Unable to Moor in Standard Storyline

    Then I should be set, and yet I find myself stymied time and again... I've started a new game again, we'll see how this plays out.
  4. Barty Bugthumper

    Unable to Moor in Standard Storyline

    I too am having issues with the main storyline at Grey Rock Bay. Build 14 Alpha 10 + fix + all fixes posted in this thread. I may have inadvertently broke it myself by exploiting another bug I found. As I've found no mention of it yet, I'll tell you all about it: When it came time to blow up...