• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. A

    Need Help Please Help Fast

    I have finished the english questline with a nighthood and commodore tittle and now the GG says I am free to do anything I wish, but I tried to capture a city (Willemsted, Tortuga, Marigo), I can plunder the city as usual like before but could not capture it to set government or make base, I...
  2. A

    Need Help Please Help Fast

    thanks man...ayee ayee captain
  3. A

    Need Help Please Help Fast

    Is there any way to change the name of a ship...not the ship type??? like...Wind Chaser to Devil or something...plz let me know quick.
  4. A

    Is there any way to change the name of a ship...not the ship type??? like...Wind Chaser to Devil...

    Is there any way to change the name of a ship...not the ship type??? like...Wind Chaser to Devil or something...plz let me know quick.
  5. A

    Need Help Please Help Fast

    thanks man....destroying the fort was to be done before landing.....complited the mission
  6. A

    Need Help Please Help Fast

    I am on English questline and in the mission of capturing caracus and cumana. but in the capture of caracus, I cant land on "cape aruba" there is no mooring sign even if i go so close to the land than usual and i somehow managed to land on the port of caracus but when i exit to jungle and then...