• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. F

    Sid...What did you do??????

    Fun at first... I think the second poster summed up part of my experience... First 5 hours - game was a blast First `10-15` hours - still fun, getting repetitive After that, tedious to the point that now I've moved onto newer games (World of Warcraft). Bear in mind I was a HUGE fan of...
  2. F

    Baron Raymondo meet Baron Raymondo....

    Kids Well, I guess since Raymondo is Spanish that means his parents were Catholic. I guess there COULD be a lot of little Raymondos running around the Carribean
  3. F

    This game blows!

    Agree I agree. It's not the same as the original Pirates. They really cheesed out on a lot of stuff, although I agree with you the dancing `mini-game` can be fun. In my opinion the reward for best pirating game in the last few years belongs to the original Port Royale. I put hours and...
  4. F

    Tracking down Famous Pirates...

    Well I tracked down all the famous Pirates early in my career and I feel like I gipped myself. Should I have waited until the end of my career so that these famous guys would have accumulated more loot? Or doesn't the game work that way... Also, one thing I miss from the original Pirates was...
  5. F

    Fastest ship for traveling INTO the wind on the main map?

    <!--`QuoteBegin-Cap`'n Toast+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cap'n Toast)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Sloops are probably the best for running towards the wind.  Though it's always better to try to keep it close hauled rather than into the eye.  No ship is worth a crap into the...
  6. F

    Baron Raymondo meet Baron Raymondo....

    Good remake so far but damn if all these Baron Raymondo missions don't get old. Even if they threw in a name randomly picked from a pool it would have made it SEEM as if you were tracking down someone new.....